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Last active September 25, 2015 18:04
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SAT utils
#! /usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function
import re
import hashlib
import collections
buffering = 2**29
answer_re = r'^(?P<result>[^,]+),(?P<cpu_time>[\d\.]+),(?P<core>.+)'
core_line_re = r'(?P<facility_id>\d+):(?P<channels>(?:\d+[,;])+)'
signer = hashlib.sha256()
answer_rx = re.compile(answer_re)
core_line_rx = re.compile(core_line_re)
Answer = collections.namedtuple('Answer', ['result', 'cpu_time', 'core'])
def core_value(core):
return '{};'.format(';'.join(core))
def core_id(core):
id = signer.copy()
discriminator = '{}@{}'.format(len(core), core_value(core))
return id.hexdigest()
class sat_answer(Answer):
__slots__ = ()
def id(self):
return core_id(self.core)
def channels(channel_line):
unique_channels = {int(__) for __ in channel_line.strip(' ,;').split(',')}
sorted_channels = sorted(unique_channels)
return ','.join(str(__) for __ in sorted_channels)
def candidate(core_line):
core_prospects = core_line_rx.finditer(core_line)
unique_prospects = {int('facility_id')): channels('channels')) for __ in core_prospects}
sorted_prospects = (':'.join((str(__), unique_prospects[__])) for __ in sorted(unique_prospects))
return tuple(sorted_prospects)
def answerfile(filename, buffering = None):
with open(filename, buffering=buffering) as f:
for line in f:
core = sat_answer._make(answer_rx.match(line).groups())
yield core._replace(core=candidate(core.core))
if __name__ == '__main__':
results = answerfile('../data/sat.clean', buffering=buffering)
with open('core_view.psv', 'w', buffering=buffering) as core_psv, \
open('answer_view.psv', 'w', buffering=buffering) as answer_psv, \
open('propsect_view.psv', 'w', buffering=buffering) as prospect_psv, \
open('candidate_view.psv', 'w', buffering=buffering) as candidate_psv:
for answer in results:
core_hash =
print('|'.join((core_value(answer.core), core_hash)), file=core_psv)
print('|'.join((core_hash, answer.result, answer.cpu_time)), file=answer_psv)
for prospect in answer.core:
print('|'.join((core_hash, prospect)), file=candidate_psv)
print(prospect, file=prospect_psv)
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