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Created July 29, 2013 21:26
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* OCaml for the Curious
An Introductory tutorial in OCaml
Compiled by Prasad Rao (raoprasadv AT gmail DOT com)
Compiled together from various sources.
As this material is introductory
_None_ of this material is likely to be original. I thank
the sources from where I might have consciously and/or
To tutorial authors:
Please treat this as a blanket apology if you feel like your
code has not been adequately acknowledge. Please send email
to raoprasadv at gmail dot com and I will correct the ommission
This text is designed to be read using *org mode* for reading
and tuareg mode while coding.
This file is meant for line-by-line execution
preferably by using Ctrl-X Ctrl-e in Emacs Tuareg mode.
-- not bulk loading
or compiling
** Acknowledgements
- Real World Ocaml -- Jason Hickey, Anil Madhavapeddy, Yaron Minsky
- F# for Scientists -- Jon Harrop
- Practical O'Caml -- Joshua Smith
And many, many other sources that I do not remember....
** Functions
*** Defining a function :SHOW
let inc x = x + 1;;
let sqr x = x * x;;
(** Note type inference *)
*** Calling a function
When invoked with parameters a function
returns a value :SHOW
inc 3;;
(* Note: Uses fewer parentheses *)
*** Defining infix functions
- See [[][Rules for operators]]
let (|>) x f = f x;;
(* The type inferencer figures out that f is afunction *)
(* with this primitive you can chain computations
naturally, assuming you read left to right! *)
1 |> inc |> inc |> inc;;
1 |> inc |> sqr ;;
let plus x y = x + y;;
*** partial application is clean
Compare it to Scala and Clojure
let new_inc = plus 1;;
new_inc 1;;
*** functions as first class entities :SHOW
let compose f g x = f (g x);;
let inc2 = compose inc inc;;
inc2 0;;
let twice f = compose f f;;
let incinc = twice inc;;
incinc 3;;
*** Anonymous functions :SHOW
- important to avoid polluting name space
with silly names like addone etc.
(fun x -> x + 1) 1;;
** Arithmetic
*** infix plus *)
1 + 1;;
*** use + as a prefix :SHOW
(+) 1 1;;
*** But what is plus
*** Multiplication
4 * 3;;
*** Floats use different operators +. *. /. etc. :SHOW
5. +. 4.;;
*** No automatic type casts :SHOW
Introduction to Error Messages
5 + 4.;;
*** Explicit Typecasts
Takes getting used to -- but I began to like it
(float_of_int 5) +. 4.;;
** Strings
*** length
String.length "abc";;
(* What is String? *)
(* What is length *)
- Use repl to understand types
*** Lot less permissive than Java/Scala here
"abc" + 4;;
(* *)
*** String int concatenation
Note: Understanding error messages: You gave me String I need int
- Two ways of doing this
Printf.sprintf "%s%d" "abc" 4;;
"abc" ^ (string_of_int 4);;
*** String.concat
Equivalent of python join
String.concat "," ["a";"b";"c"];;
*** String.index
Remmeber OCamlbrowser
String.index "abcdef" 'c';;
(* 9
*** Str package
has more goodies *)
#load "str.cma";;
let r = Str.regexp_string "OCaml";;
let pos = Str.search_forward r "Lets find OCaml in the soup" 0;;
let my_chars = ['a';'b';'c'];;
*** chars to string
let implode l =
let res = String.create (List.length l) in
let rec imp i = function
| [] -> res
| c :: l -> res.[i] <- c; imp (i + 1) l in
imp 0 l;;
implode my_chars;;
*** string to chars
let explode s =
let rec exp i l =
if i < 0 then l else exp (i - 1) (s.[i] :: l) in
exp (String.length s - 1) [];;
explode "abc";;
** Conditions
5 < 6 ;;
5 <= 6;;
5 <= 2;;
5 != 2;;
(* ----------------------------- *)
(* you need to be more explicit*)
(* than in other languages*)
(* ------------------------------*)
(* ERR
5 < 2.0;;
5 <. 2.0;; (* Uh? *)
5 < (int_of_float 2.0);;
(float_of_int 5) < 2.0;;
(* Why no <.? I dont know, but will find out *)
** let for locals :SHOW
(* intoducing "locals" *)
let a = 1 and b = 2 in a < b;;
** if
let a = 1 and b = 2 in if a < b then "Lesser" else "Greater";;
** you can specify types
let (a:int) = 1 and (b:int) = 2 in if a < b then "Lesser" else "Greater";;
** Refs :SHOW
let p = ref [];;
p := 1::(!p);;
** Recursion :SHOW
*** Factorial
let rec fact x = (* use rec to explicitly signify recursion *)
if x = 0 then 1
else x * fact (x -1);;
fact 3;;
fact 10;;
fact 20;;
*** Note! overflow
fact 25;;
fact 30;; (* Uh Oh! *)
*** mutual recursion
let rec a x =
if x > 3 then b x
x -1
and b x = a (x -1);;
let foo = a 17;;
*** tail call optimization demo :SHOW
let identity x = x;;
let rec no_tc_f n =
if n > 0 then
let mu = no_tc_f (n - 1) in
identity mu
let rec tc_f n =
if n > 0 then
tc_f (n - 1)
** See stack overflow
no_tc_f 375000;;
** tc optimization rulez!
tc_f 500000;;
** Magic in Printf format conversion
Printf.printf "%s" "sorry for not saying Hello World";;
Printf.printf "sorry for not saying Hello World";;
(* What is Printf.printf *)
(* Some magic afoot here -- for now just take it upon faith *)
Printf.printf "%s";;
(* TODO: Explain ('a, out_channel, unit) format -> 'a = <fun> clearly *)
** Collections
(* range *)
(* recall the for loop *)
for x = 1 to 10 do Printf.printf "%d\n" x done;;
1 to 10;;
(* does not mean anything by itself *)
(* is -- defined? *)
(* let us define our own *)
(* But first we need lists *)
(* TODO -- why does this not type :: *)
let moo_cons x y = x::y;;
(* Nyet *)
(* Now we are ready to define (--) *)
let rec (--) x y =
if x > y then
x :: ((x + 1) -- y);;
(* Yay we defined our own range *)
(* TODO -- how do precedences work? *)
1 -- 10;;
(* Without pattern matching *)
let my_head_no_pm a_list = List.nth a_list 0;;
my_head_no_pm [];;
(* not awesome *)
(* Cute, but Watch out *)
let my_head_0 (hd::_) = hd;;
(* works OK *)
my_head_0 [1;2;3];;
(* awesome *)
my_head_0 [];;
(* Not awesome *)
exception Tut_empty_list_not_allowed;;
my_head_0 []
with Match_failure(_,_,_) -> raise Tut_empty_list_not_allowed;;
(* Cleaner than a meaningful exception is to
force all callers to do the right thing *)
(* None is Nulls propah cousin *)
let my_head a_list =
match a_list with (* This is pattern matching *)
[] -> None
| hd::_ -> Some hd;;
(* What should callers do? *)
let safe_print_head a_list =
match my_head a_list with
Some hd -> Printf.printf "%d" hd
| None -> Printf.printf "Cowardly refusal to print head of headless body";;
safe_print_head [];;
(* awesome *)
(* NOTE *)
(* f (f 1 (f 1 (f 1....(f 1 0))) *)
let my_sum = List.fold_left (+) 0;;
my_sum [1;1;1];;
(* awesome *)
(* NOTE *)
let my_min l = List.fold_left min (List.hd l) l;;
my_min [1;2;3];;
my_min [];;
my_min ["beta";"alpha";"gamma"];;
let color_names = [|"red";"white";"blue"|];;
Array.iter (Printf.printf "Should I buy a %s car?\n") color_names;;
** Types and Pattern Matching
*** Coordinates
type coordinate_int = int*int;;
let (+|) ((x1,x2): coordinate_int) ((y1,y2):coordinate_int):coordinate_int = (x1 +y1, x2 + y2);;
let a = 1,1;;
let (b:coordinate_int) = 2,2;;
a +| b;;
*** Length
type length =
Inch of float
| Centimeter of float;;
let cent_of y =
match y with
Inch x -> Centimeter (x *. 2.54)
| Centimeter _ -> y;;
let inch_of y =
match y with
Centimeter x -> Inch (x /. 2.54)
| Inch _ -> y;;
let lengthFunc aFunc (x:length) (y:length) =
match x with
Inch x_i -> Inch (aFunc x_i ((fun (Inch z) -> z) (inch_of y)))
| Centimeter x_i -> Centimeter (aFunc x_i ((fun (Centimeter z) -> z) (cent_of y)));;
let l_add = lengthFunc (+.) ;;
l_add (Inch 1.) (Centimeter 1.);;
l_add (Centimeter 1.) (Inch 1.);;
let l_sub = lengthFunc (-.);;
(* Exercise -- Why Does this not work? *)
let l_gt = lengthFunc (>);;
** Why use Functors
*** Defining a set of strings
module StringSet = Set.Make(String);;
let foo = StringSet.add "abc" StringSet.empty;;
let foo_1 = StringSet.add "ABC" foo;;
StringSet.elements foo;;
StringSet.elements foo_1;;
*** Creating a case insensive version with minimal work
module CI_StringCmp = struct
type t = string
let compare (a:string)(b:string): int =
let a_l = String.lowercase a in
let b_l = String.lowercase b in
if a_l < b_l then -1
else if a_l = b_l then 0
else 1
module CI_String = Set.Make(CI_StringCmp);;
let ifoo = CI_String.add "abc" CI_String.empty;;
let ifoo_1 = CI_String.add "Abc" ifoo;;
CI_String.elements ifoo_1;;
** Introducing functors
copied from
*** A module type: Order
module type Order = sig
type t
val compare: t -> t -> bool
*** module Integers
module Integers = struct
type t = int
let compare x y = x > y
*** Write a reverse functor
module ReverseOrder = functor (X: Order) -> struct
type t = X.t
let compare x y = y x
*** Invoking the ReverseOrder Functor
module K = ReverseOrder (Integers);; 3 4;; (* this is false *) 3 4;; (* this is true *)
module LexicographicOrder = functor (X: Order) ->
functor (Y: Order) -> struct
type t = X.t * Y.t
let compare (a,b) (c,d) = if a c then true
else if c a then false
else b d
(* compare lexicographically *)
module X = LexicographicOrder (Integers) (Integers);; (2,3) (4,5);;
module LinearSearch = functor (X: Order) -> struct
type t = X.t array
let find x k = 0 (* some boring code *)
module BinarySearch = functor (X: Order) -> struct
type t = X.t array
let find x k = 0 (* some boring code *)
(* linear search over arrays of integers *)
module LS = LinearSearch (Integers);;
LS.find [|1;2;3] 2;;
(* binary search over arrays of pairs of integers,
sorted lexicographically *)
module BS = BinarySearch (LexicographicOrder (Integers) (Integers));;
BS.find [|(2,3);(4,5)|] (2,3);;
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