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Created June 19, 2016 15:45
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trying to find first element with duplicates (doesn't work)
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module BinarySearch where
import Data.Array
binarySearch :: (Ord a1) => Array Int a1 -> a1 -> Int -> Int -> Maybe Int
binarySearch haystack needle lo hi
| hi < lo = Nothing
| pivot > needle = binarySearch haystack needle lo (mid-1)
| pivot < needle && pivot' < needle = binarySearch haystack needle mid' hi
| pivot == needle && pivot' == needle = binarySearch haystack needle mid' hi
| pivot < needle && pivot' == needle = Just mid'
| otherwise = Just mid
mid = lo + (hi-lo) `div` 2
mid' = mid + 1
pivot = haystack!mid
pivot' = haystack!mid'
main :: Int -> IO ()
main divisor = do
let size = 30
a = array (0, size) [(i, i `div` divisor) | i <- [0..size]]
putStrLn $ "hi: " ++ show a
putStrLn $ "hi: " ++ show (binarySearch a 4 0 size)
-- main 5
--hi: array (0,30) [(0,0),(1,0),(2,0),(3,0),(4,0),(5,1),(6,1),(7,1),(8,1),(9,1),(10,2),(11,2),(12,2),(13,2),(14,2),(15,3),(16,3),(17,3),(18,3),(19,3),(20,4),(21,4),(22,4),(23,4),(24,4),(25,5),(26,5),(27,5),(28,5),(29,5),(30,6)]
--hi: Just 24
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