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Created February 1, 2016 18:37
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om-next + react-native
(ns mattsum.simple-example.core
(:require-macros [natal-shell.core :refer [with-error-view]]
[natal-shell.components :refer [view text image touchable-highlight]]
[natal-shell.alert :refer [alert]])
(:require [ :as om :refer-macros [defui]]))
(set! js/React (js/require "react-native/Libraries/react-native/react-native.js"))
(def app-registry
(.-AppRegistry js/React))
(defonce app-state (atom {:app/msg "Welcome to FutureApp"}))
(defui MainView
static om/IQuery
(query [this]
(render [this]
(let [{:keys [app/msg]} (om/props this)]
(view {:style {:flexDirection "column" :margin 40 :alignItems "center"}}
{:fontSize 50 :fontWeight "100" :marginBottom 20 :textAlign "center"}}
{:uri ""}
:style {:width 80 :height 80 :marginBottom 30}})
{:style {:backgroundColor "#999" :padding 10 :borderRadius 5}
:onPress #(alert "HELLO!")}
{:style {:color "white" :textAlign "center" :fontWeight "bold"}}
"press me")))))))
(defmulti read om/dispatch)
(defmethod read :default
[{:keys [state]} k _]
(let [st @state]
(if-let [[_ v] (find st k)]
{:value v}
{:value :not-found})))
(def reconciler
{:state app-state
:parser (om/parser {:read read})
:root-render #(.render js/React %1 %2)
:root-unmount #(.unmountComponentAtNode js/React %)}))
(defn main []
(.registerComponent app-registry "SimpleExampleApp"
#(om/factory MainView)))
(defn on-js-reload
(js/console.log "JS RELOADING"))
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