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Last active January 2, 2016 17:58
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Sliding Checkbox plugin
# Usage
# $('element').sliderCheckbox()
# $('element').sliderCheckbox
# offLeft: int
$.fn.sliderCheckbox = (options) ->
settings = $.extend({
offLeft: -64
}, options)
return this.each ->
el = $(this)
if not el.hasClass('fancified')
inp = el.find 'input:checkbox'
slider = el.find '.slider'
inp.on 'focus', ->
el.addClass 'focused'
inp.on 'blur', ->
el.removeClass 'focused'
el.on 'click', (e) ->
inp.prop 'checked', !inp.prop('checked')
inp.trigger 'change' # triggers updateIndicator()
updateIndicator() # this seems unnecessary - updateIndicator() has already been triggered by inp.change
updateIndicator = (noTransition = false) ->
checked = inp.prop 'checked'
inp.val(if checked then 'on' else 'off')
moveTo = if checked then 0 else settings.offLeft
setTimeout ->
slider.parent().toggleClass('checked', checked);
, 90
# no why, but even if noTransition logs out as false, this evaluates as truthy
# unless explicit, which means sliderCheckboxes never animate.
# so, don't remove the `== true`, even though it's stupid
if noTransition == true
'-webkit-transition': 'none',
'-moz-transition': 'none',
'-o-transition': 'none',
'transition': 'none'
slider.css 'left', moveTo
'-webkit-transition': 'left 180ms ease-out',
'-moz-transition': 'left 180ms ease-out',
'-o-transition': 'left 180ms ease-out',
'transition': 'left 180ms ease-out'
slider.css 'left', moveTo
inp.on 'click', (e) ->
inp.on 'change', updateIndicator
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