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Last active April 12, 2022 14:18
Include drafts in SearchWP Supplemental Engine
* Include Drafts in SearchWP Supplemental Engine results.
* NOTE: In order for this to work we need to first tell SearchWP to index
* ALL of the potential post stati. We can then curate which post stati
* to consider during searches; it is a two-step process.
// Step 1: tell SearchWP to index Drafts in addition to its default post stati.
add_filter( 'searchwp\post_stati', function( $post_stati, $args ) {
$post_stati[] = 'draft';
return $post_stati;
}, 20, 2 );
// Step 2: limit post stati during searches, per post type. By default
// SearchWP is going to respect the stati we defined in Step 1!
add_filter( 'searchwp\query\mods', function( $mods, $query ) {
// If this is the 'supplemental' Engine, search all post stati.
if ( 'supplemental' === $query->get_engine()->get_name() ) {
return $mods;
// Only return WP_Posts with 'publish' post status.
foreach ( $query->get_engine()->get_sources() as $source ) {
$flag = 'post' . SEARCHWP_SEPARATOR;
if ( 'post.' !== substr( $source->get_name(), 0, strlen( $flag ) ) ) {
$mod = new \SearchWP\Mod( $source );
$mod->set_where( [ [
'column' => 'post_status',
'value' => [ 'publish' ],
'compare' => 'IN',
] ] );
$mods[] = $mod;
return $mods;
}, 20, 2 );
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