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Last active June 14, 2020 01:24
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Convolution tools for image resolution matching and unsharp masking.
import numpy as np
from astropy import nddata
from import fits
from astropy.convolution import convolve_fft, Gaussian2DKernel
from astropy.convolution import convolve
from pathlib import Path
def get_Gaussian_kernel(from_beam, to_beam, pixelsize):
"""Generate Gaussian kernel."""
stddev = np.sqrt(to_beam**2 - from_beam**2)
stddev /= np.sqrt(8. * np.log(2.))
stddev /= pixelsize
x_size = int(6. * stddev + 1.)
return Gaussian2DKernel(x_stddev=stddev, x_size=x_size,
y_size=x_size, model='linear_interp')
def circularize_beam(inputfile, project=None, from_beam=0.0,
to_beam=0.1, writesmooth=False):
"""Brings an fits image to a new "to_beam" resolution by convolution
with a circular Gaussian kernel. Should work for both, images and
cubes. It can take an image or a cube.
# Check if project exists. Create work directory if not.
if project is None:
project = Path(inputfile).parent.absolute()
print("Creating project directory:", project)
Path(project).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# Read in the data
input =
data = np.squeeze(input[0].data)
header = input[0].header
print("Input data has", data.ndim, "dimensions of", data.shape)
cdelt = np.abs(header['CDELT1'] * 3600.)
# Create empty cube for storing convolved data.
nz = 1
smooth = np.zeros((header['NAXIS1'], header['NAXIS2']))
if data.ndim > 2:
nz = header['NAXIS3']
smooth = np.zeros((nz, header['NAXIS1'], header['NAXIS2']))
# Create circular Gaussian kernel.
"Beam size (from header) prior convolution:",
'{:.4f} x {:.4f}'.format(
header['BMAJ'] * 3600.,
header['BMIN'] * 3600.))
beam = get_Gaussian_kernel(from_beam, to_beam, cdelt)
if data.ndim > 2:
for i in np.arange(nz):
im = data[i, :, :]
print("im: ", i)
# im = convolve_fft(im, beam)
im = convolve(im, beam)
smooth[i, :, :] += im
im = data
smooth += convolve_fft(im, beam)
# smooth += convolve(im, beam, boundary='extend')
# Fix units to new beam size.
# smooth *= header['BMIN']*header['BMAJ'] / (to_beam/3600.)**2.
# Fix header beam size.
header['BMIN'] = to_beam / 3600.
header['BMAJ'] = to_beam / 3600.
header['BPA'] = 0.0
if writesmooth:
hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU() = smooth.astype('float32')
hdu.header = header
hdu.writeto(project + '/' + Path(inputfile).stem + '_smooth.fits',
output_verify='fix', overwrite=True)
"Returning smoothed data with beam:",
'{:.4f} x {:.4f}'.format(
header['BMAJ'] * 3600.,
header['BMIN'] * 3600.))
return smooth
def unsharp_masking(inputfile, project=None,
times_beam=3.0, unsharp_factor=2.0):
"""Generates an unsharp-masking version of a fits image. It substracts
the large scales (convolved version of the image) to emphasize
fine structure, as follows:
unsharp_img = img + unsharp_factor * (img - smoothed_img)
# Check if project exists. Create work directory if not.
if project is None:
project = Path(inputfile).parent.absolute()
print("Creating project directory:", project)
Path(project).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# Read in the data
input =
img = np.squeeze(input[0].data)
img0 = np.copy(img)
header = input[0].header
print("Input data has", img.ndim, "dimensions of", img.shape)
# Set smoothing scale.
cdelt = np.abs(header['CDELT1'] * 3600.)
scale = times_beam * 0.5 * (hdr['BMIN'] + hdr['BMAJ']) * 3600.
gauss = get_Gaussian_kernel(0.0, scale, cdelt)
# Do convolution.
smooth = np.zeros((header['NAXIS1'], header['NAXIS2']))
smooth += convolve_fft(img, gauss)
# Unsharp masking.
'Subtracting scales similar to',
'{:.3f} x {:.3f}'.format(
unsharp = img0 + unsharp_factor * (img0 - smooth)
# Exporting unsharp-masked data.
uhdu = fits.PrimaryHDU()
udata = np.zeros((1, 1, header['NAXIS1'], header['NAXIS2']))
udata[0, 0, :, :] += unsharp = udata
uhdu.header = hdr
uhdu.writeto(project + '/' + Path(inputfile).stem + '_unsharp.fits',
output_verify='fix', overwrite=True)
return unsharp
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