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Last active June 15, 2020 13:54
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Script to plot exoplanet mass vs semi major axis (or any other quantity).
import exodata
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import pickle
""" Script to plot exoplanet mass vs semi major axis (or any other
for exoplanet data we need "pip install exodata".
# [if first time] Load database from
# exocat = exodata.load_db_from_url()
# pickle.dump(exocat, open('./exocat', 'wb'))
# Load from local pickle.
exocat = pickle.load(open('./exocat', 'rb'))
# Example to extract info from a particular system.
# print(exocat.planetDict["HR 8799 b"].discoveryMethod)
# Example to extract a and M for planets detected by RV only.
# detected_by_rv = [planet for planet in exocat.planets if planet.discoveryMethod =="RV"]
# a_rv = [planet.a for planet in detected_by_rv]
# M_rv = [planet.M for planet in detected_by_rv]
f, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=1, nrows=1, figsize=(6.0, 5.2))
methods = ["RV", "transit", "imaging", "microlensing"] # zero "timings"
styles = ["o", "o", "o", "o", "o", "o"]
mkrcol = ["#EF476F", "#FFD166", "#06D6A0", "#118AB2", "#073b4c"]
mkrsize = ["4", "4", "6", "4", "4", "4"]
for k in np.arange(len(methods)):
detected_by = [planet for planet in exocat.planets if planet.discoveryMethod==methods[k]]
print("number of detections by", methods[k],"=",len(detected_by))
ax.plot([planet.a for planet in detected_by], [planet.M for planet in detected_by],
styles[k], markerfacecolor=mkrcol[k], markeredgecolor="black", # mkrcol[k],
markersize=mkrsize[k], markeredgewidth=.8, label=methods[k])
ax.set_xlabel('Semi major axis [au]')
ax.set_ylabel(r'Planet mass [M$_{\rm Jup}$]')
f.savefig('exoplanets.png', bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300, transparent=True)
import exodata
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import pickle
""" Script to plot exoplanet mass vs semi major axis (or any other
for exoplanet data we need "pip install exodata".
exodata docs:
# Solar system data.
ssp_names = ["Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Mars", "Jupiter", "Saturn", "Uranus", "Neptune"]
ssp_a = [0.46, 0.73, 1.02, 1.4, 5.17, 10.03, 19.79, 29.91]
ssp_M = [0.00017, 0.00256, 0.00315, 0.00034, 1, 0.299, 0.046, 0.054]
# Dwarf planets.
ssdp_names = ["Ceres", "Pluto", "Haumean", "Eris"]
ssdp_a = [2.768, 39.48, 43.22, 67.78]
ssdp_M = [4.94e-07, 6.89e-06, 2.11e-06, 8.74e-06]
# [if first time] Load database from
# exocat = exodata.load_db_from_url()
# pickle.dump(exocat, open('./exocat', 'wb'))
# Load from local pickle.
exocat = pickle.load(open('./exocat', 'rb'))
# Example to extract info from a particular system.
# print(exocat.planetDict["HR 8799 b"].discoveryMethod)
# Example to extract a and M for planets detected by RV only.
# detected_by_rv = [planet for planet in exocat.planets if planet.discoveryMethod =="RV"]
# a_rv = [planet.a for planet in detected_by_rv]
# M_rv = [planet.M for planet in detected_by_rv]
# print([planet for planet in exocat.planets if planet.a is not np.nan if planet.discoveryMethod=="imaging" and planet.a < 0.1])
f, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=1, nrows=1, figsize=(6.0, 5.2))
methods = ["RV", "transit", "imaging", "microlensing"] # zero "timings"
styles = ["o", "o", "o", "o", "o", "o"]
mkrcol = ["#EF476F", "#FFD166", "#06D6A0", "#118AB2", "#b388eb", "#f48668"]
mkrsize = ["4", "4", "6", "4", "6", "3"]
for k in np.arange(len(methods)):
detected_by = [planet for planet in exocat.planets if planet.discoveryMethod==methods[k]]
if methods[k]=="imaging":
detected_by = [planet for planet in exocat.planets if planet.discoveryMethod=="imaging" and planet.a > 0.1]
print("number of detections by", methods[k],"=",len(detected_by))
ax.plot([planet.a for planet in detected_by], [planet.M for planet in detected_by],
styles[k], markerfacecolor=mkrcol[k], markeredgecolor="black", # mkrcol[k],
markersize=mkrsize[k], markeredgewidth=.8, label=methods[k])
ax.plot(ssp_a, ssp_M, "o", markerfacecolor=mkrcol[4], markeredgecolor="black",
markersize=mkrsize[4], markeredgewidth=.8, label="Solar System planets")
ax.plot(ssdp_a, ssdp_M, "o", markerfacecolor=mkrcol[5], markeredgecolor="black",
markersize=mkrsize[5], markeredgewidth=.8, label="Solar System dwarf planets")
M_Sun = 1.98844e30 # [M_Sun] = kg
M_Earth = 5.9723e24 # [M_Earth] = kg
M_Jup = 1.8986e27 # [M_Jup] = kg
M_Sat = 5.6846e26 # [M_Sat] = kg
ax.plot(65., 10*M_Earth/M_Jup, "^", markerfacecolor=mkrcol[5], markeredgecolor="black",
markersize="5", markeredgewidth=.8, label="HD 169142 miniNeptune")
ax.set_xlabel('Semi major axis [au]')
ax.set_ylabel(r'Planet mass [M$_{\rm Jup}$]')
f.savefig('exoplanets.pdf', bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300, transparent=True)
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