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Created March 19, 2014 10:48
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Save sebastiaanvisser/9639321 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Echo: A small FRP library.
-- | Echo: a small experimental library for functional reactive programming.
, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
, TemplateHaskell
, RecursiveDo
, MagicHash
, UnboxedTuples
module Reactive.Echo
-- * Reactive variables.
, new
, get
, set
, modify
, update
, effect
-- * Reactive event networks.
, E
-- * Primitive event combinators.
, use
, accum
, sift
-- * Useful derived combinators.
, predicate
, distinct
, history
-- * Linking and unlinking networks.
, link
, unlink
, var
import Control.Applicative hiding (optional)
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Monad (MonadPlus (..), when, join)
import Data.Foldable (sequence_, mapM_, forM_)
import Data.Label (fclabels)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Traversable (mapM)
import GHC.Base
import GHC.Conc.Sync (TVar (..))
import Prelude hiding (init, sequence_, mapM, mapM_)
import qualified Data.Label as L
fclabels [d|
data Box a = Box
{ reactors :: [(Int, STM [IO ()])]
, effects :: [(Int, a -> IO ())]
, linked :: [STM ()]
, busy :: Bool
, value :: a
-- | A reactive variable contains a value that might change over time. A
-- reactive variable will always have a value and cannot be uninitialized.
newtype R a = R_ { unR :: TVar (Box a) }
-- | Create a new reactive variable with an initial value. When the variable
-- gets garbage collected it will automatically unlink (if linked). So no
-- dangling variables will live in the reactive network.
new :: a -> IO (R a)
new a =
do ref <- newTVarIO (Box [] [] [] False a)
let v = R_ ref
v <$ final ref (unlink v)
where final (TVar r#) f = IO $ \s ->
case mkWeak# r# () f s
of (# s1, _ #) -> (# s1, () #)
-- | Snapshot the current value from a reactive variable.
get :: R a -> IO a
get r = L.get value <$> readTVarIO (unR r)
-- | Put a new value in a reactive variable.
set :: R a -> a -> IO ()
set r v = modify r (const v)
-- | Modify the value in a reactive variable.
modify :: R a -> (a -> a) -> IO ()
modify r f = update r (Just . f)
-- | Optionally update the value in a reactive variable.
update :: R a -> (a -> Maybe a) -> IO ()
update r f = atomically (dispatch r f) >>= sequence_
-- | Dispatch a possible value change on a reactive variable. All listeners
-- will be notified and this way the event can propagate through the network.
-- The dispatch function set the busy flag to prevent needless oscillation.
dispatch :: R a -> (a -> Maybe a) -> STM [IO ()]
dispatch r f =
do box <- readTVar (unR r)
case (f (L.get value box), L.get busy box) of -- Too strict?
(Just v, False) ->
do -- With updated value.
let withv = L.set value v box
writeTVar (unR r) $! L.set busy True withv
-- Dispatch the value to our listeners and collect a list of side
-- effects to run afterwards.
efx <- concat <$> mapM snd (L.get reactors box)
writeTVar (unR r) $! L.set busy False withv
-- Collect our own side effects.
let ofx = (\m -> snd m v) <$> L.get effects box
-- Return the total list of side effects.
return (efx ++ ofx)
_ -> return []
-- | Install a listener that will be notified when the reactive variable
-- triggers an event. The listener is a STM transaction that can return a list
-- of side effects that need to run after the transaction finishes. The
-- listener doesn't get the old or new value specified. It the values are need
-- the listener should snapshot the value itself.
listen :: R a -> STM [IO ()] -> STM (STM ())
listen r h =
do -- Update list of reactors.
i <- do box <- readTVar (unR r)
let i = case L.get reactors box
of [] -> 0
(n, _):_ -> n + 1
writeTVar (unR r) $!
L.modify reactors ((i, h):) box
return i
-- Return cleanup function.
return $
do box <- readTVar (unR r)
let del = filter ((/= i) . fst)
writeTVar (unR r) $!
L.modify reactors del box
-- | Install an IO handler that will be executed whenever the reactors variable
-- triggers an event. The handler will run after the event transaction
-- finishes.
effect :: Bool -> R a -> (a -> IO ()) -> IO (IO ())
effect initialize r f =
do -- Update list of side effects.
(n, i) <- atomically $
do box <- readTVar (unR r)
let i = case L.get effects box
of [] -> 0
(n, _):_ -> n + 1
writeTVar (unR r) $!
L.modify effects ((i, f):) box
return (L.get value box, i)
-- Call reactor now when requested.
when initialize (f n)
-- Return cleanup function.
return $ atomically $
do box <- readTVar (unR r)
let ft = filter ((/= i) . fst)
writeTVar (unR r) $!
L.modify effects ft box
-- | An event network is a way of transforming, combining and filtering events
-- from reactive variables. A value of type `E` is just a description of such a
-- network and won't have any effect until linking it to some output variable
-- (see `link`).
data E a where
Boxed :: R a -> E a
Filter :: E (Maybe a) -> E a
Pure :: a -> E a
Map :: (a -> b) -> E a -> E b
Apply :: E (a -> b) -> E a -> E b
Join :: E (E a) -> E a
Empty :: E a
Combine :: E a -> E a -> E a
Accum :: (b -> a -> a) -> a -> E b -> E a
instance Functor E where
fmap = Map
instance Applicative E where
pure = Pure
(<*>) = Apply
instance Monad E where
return = Pure
a >>= b = Join (Map b a)
instance Alternative E where
empty = Empty
(<|>) = Combine
instance MonadPlus E where
mzero = Empty
mplus = Combine
instance Monoid a => Monoid (E a) where
mempty = pure mempty
mappend = liftA2 mappend
-- | Embed a reactive variable in an event network.
use :: R a -> E a
use = Boxed
-- | Accumulate a value by applying a function every time an event occurs.
-- Accumulation starts the moment the network is linked.
accum :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> E a -> E b
accum = Accum
-- | Only pass on events that aren't `Nothing`.
sift :: E (Maybe a) -> E a
sift = Filter
-- | Filter events based on a value predicate.
predicate :: (a -> Bool) -> E a -> E a
predicate p = sift . fmap (\a -> if p a then Just a else Nothing)
-- | Accumulate historical values. A specified maximum number of items will be
-- collected to prevent space leaks.
history :: Int -> E a -> E [a]
history n e = drop 1 <$> accum (\a b -> take (n + 1) (a : b)) [] e
-- | Only pass on events that change the value when compared with the last
-- event.
distinct :: Eq a => E a -> E a
distinct = sift . fmap f . accum (\a b -> take 2 (a:b)) []
where f (a:b:_) | a == b = Nothing
f (a:_) = Just a
f [] = Nothing
-- | Unlink a reactive variable. The reactive variable will not be connected
-- anymore to an event network. This function is a no-op when not previously
-- linked.
unlink :: R a -> IO ()
unlink = atomically . unlinkR
-- | Link an event network to a reactive variable. From now on events triggered
-- in the event network (triggered by input variables created with `use`) will
-- propagate to the reactive variable. When the variable is already linked this
-- function is a no-op.
link :: R a -> E a -> IO ()
link ref e = atomically (linkR ref e) >>= sequence_
-- | Create a reactive value and link it to an event network. Note that we need
-- to specify a default value to use when event filtering prevents use from
-- proper initialization.
var :: a -> E a -> IO (R a)
var a e =
do r <- new a
r <$ link r e
-- | Unlink a previously linked reactive variable. When the variable isn't
-- linked yet this function is a no-op.
unlinkR :: R t -> STM ()
unlinkR r =
do box <- readTVar (unR r)
writeTVar (unR r) $! L.set linked [] box
sequence_ (L.get linked box)
-- | Link an event network to the reactive variable. When one of the input
-- variables for the network triggers and event the output variable will be
-- updated accordingly. When the variable is already linked this function is a
-- no-op. Because an initialization dispatch will take place this function
-- returns a list of side effects that must be run after the transaction
-- finishes.
linkR :: R a -> E a -> STM [IO ()]
linkR r e =
do box <- readTVar (unR r)
case L.get linked box of
[] -> do rec let disp = snap >>= dispatch r . const
(snap, un) <- install e (return . Just) disp
writeTVar (unR r) $! (L.set linked un box)
_ -> return []
-- | Install an event network. Return a transaction that can be used to
-- snapshot the result value, together with a list of cleanup functions that
-- can be used to uninstall the entire network. As input we take accumulated
-- function that will transform the snapshot value into the right form and a
-- function to dispatch changes in the variables that depend on this network.
install :: E a -> (a -> STM (Maybe b)) -> STM [IO ()] -> STM (STM (Maybe b), [STM ()])
install ev acc disp =
case ev of
Boxed b -> do let snap = acc =<< L.get value <$> readTVar (unR b)
un <- listen b disp
return (snap, [un])
Filter e -> do install e (liftA join . mapM acc) disp
Pure v -> do return (acc v, [])
Map f e -> do install e (acc . f) disp
Apply f a -> do (fs, unf) <- install f (return . Just) disp
(as, una) <- install a
(\b -> fs >>= liftA join . mapM (\g -> acc (g b)))
return (as, unf ++ una)
Join o -> do rec (snapo, uno) <- install o (return . Just) $
do uni
snapo >>=
mapM_ (\j -> (writeTVar ref $!) . Just =<< install j acc disp)
i <- snapo
ref <- newTVar Nothing
forM_ i (\j -> (writeTVar ref $!) . Just =<< install j acc disp)
let uni = readTVar ref >>= sequence_ . maybe [] snd
return ( join (maybe (return Nothing) fst <$> readTVar ref)
, [uni] ++ uno
Empty -> do return (return Nothing, [])
Combine a b -> do sw <- newTVar True
(snapa, una) <- install a (return . Just) (writeTVar sw True >> disp)
(snapb, unb) <- install b (return . Just) (writeTVar sw False >> disp)
return ( do v <- readTVar sw
w <- if v then snapa else snapb
liftA join (mapM acc w)
, una ++ unb
Accum f d e -> do cache <- newTVar d
rec (snap, un) <- install e (return . Just) $
do o <- readTVar cache
snap >>= mapM_ (\n -> writeTVar cache $! f n o)
snap >>= mapM_ (\n -> writeTVar cache $! f n d)
return ( acc =<< readTVar cache
, un
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