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Created February 18, 2024 16:52
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Benchmaking SingularizePluralize based on RegEx

Here is a snippet to have a reference of the optimization opportunity:

commonWords := (NeoJSONReader fromString: '{
  "description": "Common English words.",
}') at: #commonWords.

indices := (1 to: commonWords size) shuffled.
Time millisecondsToRun: [ indices do: [ :i| (commonWords at: i) asPlural ] ]. 

[indices do: [ :i| (commonWords at: i) asPlural ]] bench. 
"'1.329 per second'"

TimeProfiler onBlock:  [ indices do: [ :i| (commonWords at: i) asPlural ] ].
TimeProfiler onBlock: [ [indices do: [ :i| (commonWords at: i) asPlural ]] bench ].```
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