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import { Component, Vue } from 'vue-property-decorator'
import stringEntropy from 'fast-password-entropy'
export default class PasswordDefinition extends Vue {
public showPassword: boolean = false
public showConfirmation: boolean = false
public password: string = ''
public confirmation: string = ''
public passwordQualifiers: Array<[[number, number], string]> = [
[[0, 26], 'error'],
[[27, 39], 'warning'],
[[40, 59], 'success'],
[[60, 79], 'success'],
[[80, 112], 'success'],
[[113, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY], 'success'],
validate(ref: { validate: () => boolean }) {
return ref.validate() && this.hasMatchingPasswords()
get passwordQuality(): string {
return this.qualifies(this.strength(this.password))
getForm() {
console.warn('Component responsibility. Should never execute this')
return new Vue //
strength(password: string): number {
return stringEntropy(password)
qualifies(value: number): string {
if (!value) return ''
const inRange = (x: number, min: number, max: number): boolean => (x - min) * (x - max) <= 0
const quality = this.passwordQualifiers.find(each => inRange(value, each[0][0], each[0][1]))
if (!quality) return ''
return quality[1]
passwordRules() {
return [
(v: string) => !!v || 'Password is required',
(v: string) => (v && v.length) >= 8 || 'Password must be at least 8 characters',
confirmationRules() {
return [
(v: string) => !!v || 'Please confirm re-typing your password',
(v: string) => (v && v.length >= 8 && this.hasMatchingPasswords()) || `The passwords doesn't match`,
hasMatchingPasswords() {
return this.password === this.confirmation
<v-container fill-height>
<v-form ref="form" class="sign-in-recover-password" lazy-validation @submit.prevent="complete">
<v-layout column justify-space-between fill-height>
<v-flex xs12>
<h1 class="font-weight-black title mb-4">Reset password</h1>
To protect your sign-in and password, we use a password reset method. Use the fields below to set the
password that you want to use from now on.
:type="showPassword ? 'text' : 'password'"
:append-icon="showPassword ? 'visibility_off' : 'visibility'"
hint="At least 8 characters"
label="New Password"
@click:append="showPassword = !showPassword"
<v-progress-linear :value="strength(password)" :color="passwordQuality" height="7"></v-progress-linear>
:type="showConfirmation ? 'text' : 'password'"
:append-icon="showConfirmation ? 'visibility_off' : 'visibility'"
label="Confirm New Password"
@click:append="showConfirmation = !showConfirmation"
<v-flex fill-height hidden-md-and-up></v-flex>
class="font-weight-bold mb-4"
>Reset password</v-btn>
<script lang="ts">
import { Component, Vue } from 'vue-property-decorator'
import { mixins } from 'vue-class-component'
import PasswordDefinition from '@/mixins/PasswordDefinition'
import { constants } from 'crypto'
// export default class SignInRecoverPassword extends Vue {
export default class SignInRecoverPassword extends mixins(PasswordDefinition) {
get isValid(): boolean {
console.log('SignInRecoverPassword', this.$refs.form)
if (!this.$refs.form) {
return false
return (this.$refs.form as Vue & { validate: () => boolean }).validate()
complete() {
if (!this.isValid) return
return this.$store.dispatch('auth/password', {
password: this.password,
router: this.$router,
<style scoped>
/* "scoped" attribute limit the CSS to this component only */
.sign-in-recover-password {
margin-top: 40px;
height: 100%;
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