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Created November 3, 2014 23:48
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SCSS mixin for inline media queries (breakpoints)
/* #Breakpoint Mixin
================================================== */
$breakpoints: (
tiny: 320px,
extra-small: 480px,
small: 768px,
medium: 1020px,
large: 1200px
@mixin breakpoint($sizes, $direction: max) {
@if length($sizes) == 2 {
$min: nth($sizes, 1);
$max: nth($sizes, 2);
@if map-has-key($breakpoints, $min) {
$min: map-get($breakpoints, $min) + 1px;
@if map-has-key($breakpoints, $max) {
$max: map-get($breakpoints, $max);
@if unitless($max) {
$max: $max + 0px;
@if unitless($min) {
$min: $min + 0px;
@media screen and (min-width: $min) and (max-width: $max) {
} @else if length($sizes) == 1 {
@if map-has-key($breakpoints, $sizes) {
$sizes: map-get($breakpoints, $sizes);
@if $direction == min {
$sizes: $sizes + 1px;
@if unitless($sizes) {
$sizes: $sizes + 0px;
@media only screen and (#{$direction}-width: $sizes) {
} @else {
@error "$sizes should contain 1-2 values.";
@charset "UTF-8";
//load _breakpoint.scss file
@import "breakpoint";
.demo {
&:after {
//breakpoint key from map, direction
@include breakpoint(large, min) {
content: '> large';
font-size: 250%;
//pixel-value, direction
@include breakpoint(1920px, min) {
color: green;
content: 'looks like full HD';
font-size: 500%;
//two breakpoint keys from map
@include breakpoint((medium, large)) {
content: 'medium - large';
font-size: 250%;
//two breakpoint keys from map
@include breakpoint((small, medium)) {
content: 'small - medium';
font-size: 200%;
//two breakpoint keys from map
@include breakpoint((extra-small, small)) {
content: 'extra-small, small';
font-size: 150%;
//two breakpoint keys from map
@include breakpoint((tiny, extra-small)) {
content: 'tiny - extra-small';
font-size: 100%;
//integer value, breakpoint key from map
@include breakpoint((0, tiny)) {
content: '0 - tiny';
font-size: 50%;
//two integer values
@include breakpoint((0, 150)) {
color: red;
content: 'Who views websites at 150px width or less?!';
font-size: 150%;
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