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Last active August 22, 2019 15:01
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Bundle adjustment in Julia (doesn't work yet!)
# Bundle adjustment
using JuMP
using StaticArrays
using Rotations
using LinearAlgebra
import Ipopt
"Euclidean coordinates for a point in R^2."
Point2 = SVector{2, Float64}
"Euclidean coordinates for a point in R^3."
Point3 = SVector{3, Float64}
abstract type Camera end
# "Parameters for a pinhole camera."
mutable struct PinholeCamera <: Camera
focalLength :: Float64
principalPoint :: Tuple{Float64, Float64}
location :: Point3 # coordinates of camera center in the world coordinate frame
orientation :: RodriguesVec{Float64}
PinholeCamera() =
(0.0, 0.0),
Point3(0, 0, 0),
one(RotMatrix{3, Float64}))
calibrationmatrix(cam::PinholeCamera) =
cam.focalLength 0.0 cam.principalPoint[1];
0.0 cam.focalLength cam.principalPoint[2];
0.0 0.0 1.0;
cameramatrix(cam::PinholeCamera) =
calibrationmatrix(cam) * cam.orientation * hcat(I, -cam.location)
mutable struct Bundle{C <: Camera}
cameras :: Array{C, 1} # Cameras' locations in world coordinate space
world_points :: Array{Float64, 2} # 3D points in world coordinate space
function initialize_bundle(::Type{PinholeCamera}, matches::AbstractArray{Float64, 3})
npoints, ncameras, ncoords = size(matches)
@assert ncoords == 2 "`matches` must have shape (# points, # cameras, 2), but the 3rd axis has size $ncoords"
cameras = [PinholeCamera() for _ in 1 : ncameras]
# TODO Backproject the features with a fixed distance to the camera center,
# rather than just setting their Z coordinate
worldpoints = zeros(npoints, ncoords + 1)
worldpoints[:, 1:2] = matches[:, 1, :]
worldpoints[:, 3] .= 5.0 # set a default depth
return Bundle{PinholeCamera}(cameras, worldpoints)
function create_model(bundle::Bundle{PinholeCamera},
matches::AbstractArray{Float64, 3})
npoints, ncameras, ncoords = size(matches)
@assert ncoords == 2 "`matches` must have shape (# points, # cameras, 2), but the 3rd axis has size $ncoords"
@assert ncameras == length(bundle.cameras) "Number of cameras differ between `matches` and `bundle.cameras`"
# The problem is, roughly:
# minimize camera[*].location, camera[*].orientation, map.point[*]
# sum i=1:n_cameras
# sum j=1:n_keypoints
# d^2(camera[i].feature[j], project(camera[i], map.point[j]))
# where camera[i].location :: [3] = i-th camera's location
# camera[i].orientation :: [3] = i-th camera's orientation (Euler angles)
# map.point[i] :: [4] = i-th 3D point's coordinates in world
# coordinate frame, homogeneous coordinates
model = Model(with_optimizer(Ipopt.Optimizer))
# Camera locations (Eulerian coordinates)
camloc = @variable(model, camloc[1:ncameras, 1:3])
# Camera orientations (3×3 rotation matrices)
camrot = @variable(model, camrot[1:ncameras, 1:3])
# Camera focal lengths (scalar)
camfl = @variable(model, camfl[1:ncameras])
# Camera principal points (2-tuple, (x, y))
campp = @variable(model, campp[1:ncameras, 1:2])
for i = 1 : ncameras
if i == 1
@NLconstraint(model, [k = 1:3], camloc[i, k] == bundle.cameras[i].location[k])
@NLconstraint(model, [k = 1:3], camrot[i, k] == bundle.cameras[i].orientation[k])
for k = 1:3
set_start_value(camloc[i, k], bundle.cameras[i].location[k])
set_start_value(camrot[i, k], bundle.cameras[i].orientation[k])
# TODO focalLength should have both (x, y) coordinates
set_start_value(camfl[i], bundle.cameras[i].focalLength)
for k = 1:2
set_start_value(campp[i, k], bundle.cameras[i].principalPoint[k])
wpoints = @variable(model, wpoints[1:npoints, 1:4])
for i = 1:npoints
for j = 1:3
set_start_value(wpoints[i, j], bundle.world_points[i, j])
set_start_value(wpoints[i, 4], 1.0)
K(focal_length, principal_point_x, principal_point_y) =
focal_length 0.0 principal_point_x;
0.0 focal_length principal_point_y;
0.0 0.0 1.0;
register(model, :K, 2, K, autodiff=true)
project(fl, ppx, ppy, loc, rot, point) =
K(fl, ppx, ppy) * rot * (point - loc)
register(model, :project, 6, project, autodiff=true)
distance_sq(x, y) = sum((x - y) .^ 2)
register(model, :distance_sq, 2, distance_sq, autodiff=true)
@variable(model, cost)
@NLconstraint(model, cost ==
matches[j, i, :],
campp[i,1], campp[i,2],
for i = 1:ncameras
for j = 1:npoints))
@NLobjective(model, Min, cost)
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