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Created February 27, 2017 17:53
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import sys
from collections import namedtuple
import numpy as np
Video = namedtuple('Video', 'size')
Endpoint = namedtuple('Endpoint', 'dc_latency conns')
ReqBundle = namedtuple('ReqBundle', 'video_id endpoint_id count')
class Problem(namedtuple('Problem', 'n_caches cache_cap videos endpoints reqs')):
def read_file(f):
if isinstance(f, str):
f = open(f, 'r')
header = f.readline()
n_videos, n_endpoints, n_reqs, n_caches, capacity = [ int(tok) for tok in header.split() ]
videos = [ Video(size=int(tok)) for tok in f.readline().split() ]
endpoints = []
for i in range(n_endpoints):
dc_latency, n_local_caches = map(int, f.readline().split())
conns = {}
for k in range(n_local_caches):
cache_id, latency = map(int, f.readline().split())
conns[cache_id] = latency
endpoints.append(Endpoint(dc_latency, conns))
reqs = []
for i in range(n_reqs):
video_id, endpoint_id, count = map(int, f.readline().split())
return Problem(n_caches=n_caches,
# prob = Problem.read_file(sys.argv[1])
#prob = Problem.read_file('')
#prob = Problem.read_file('')
#prob = Problem.read_file(file_name)
def gen_cache_allocs(prob):
cache_allocs = [ [prob.cache_cap, []] for i in range(prob.n_caches) ]
sorted_reqs = sorted (prob.reqs, key=lambda c: -c.count)
for req in sorted_reqs:
video = prob.videos[req.video_id]
endpoint = prob.endpoints[req.endpoint_id]
conns = endpoint.conns.items()
best_latency = endpoint.dc_latency
best_cache = None
for conn, latency in conns:
if cache_allocs[conn][0] > video.size and latency < best_latency:
# store as best cache
best_cache = conn
best_latency = latency
if best_cache != None and req.video_id not in cache_allocs[best_cache][1]:
cache_allocs[best_cache][0] -= video.size
#print req, best_latency, endpoint.dc_latency, best_cache
return cache_allocs
# Solution here!
#n_used = sum(len(alloc) > 0 for alloc in cache_allocs)
#for alloc in cache_allocs:
# if len(alloc) > 0:
# print (len(alloc[1]), alloc[1]), 'free', alloc[0]
files = ['', '', '', '']
for f in files:
print f
prob = Problem.read_file(f)
cache_allocs = gen_cache_allocs(prob)
out = open(f.replace('in','out'), 'w')
for alloc in xrange(len(cache_allocs)):
if len(cache_allocs[alloc][1]) > 0:
out.write (str(alloc) + ' ' +(' '.join(map(str, cache_allocs[alloc][1])))+'\n')
# evaluation
tot_saved = 0
tot_videos = 0
for req in prob.reqs:
dc_latency = prob.endpoints[req.endpoint_id].dc_latency
min_latency = dc_latency
for cache_id, latency in prob.endpoints[req.endpoint_id].conns.items():
if req.video_id in cache_allocs[cache_id][1] and latency < min_latency:
min_latency = latency
tot_videos += req.count
tot_saved += (dc_latency - min_latency) * req.count
print 1000 * tot_saved / tot_videos
import sys
from collections import namedtuple
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
Video = namedtuple('Video', 'size')
Endpoint = namedtuple('Endpoint', 'dc_latency conns')
ReqBundle = namedtuple('ReqBundle', 'video_id endpoint_id count')
class Problem(namedtuple('Problem', 'n_caches cache_cap videos endpoints reqs')):
def read_file(f):
if isinstance(f, str):
f = open(f, 'r')
header = f.readline()
n_videos, n_endpoints, n_reqs, n_caches, capacity = [ int(tok) for tok in header.split() ]
videos = [ Video(size=int(tok)) for tok in f.readline().split() ]
endpoints = []
for i in range(n_endpoints):
dc_latency, n_local_caches = map(int, f.readline().split())
conns = {}
for k in range(n_local_caches):
cache_id, latency = map(int, f.readline().split())
conns[cache_id] = latency
endpoints.append(Endpoint(dc_latency, conns))
reqs = []
for i in range(n_reqs):
video_id, endpoint_id, count = map(int, f.readline().split())
return Problem(n_caches=n_caches,
def make_gains(prob):
gains = np.zeros((len(prob.videos), prob.n_caches))
for req in prob.reqs:
endpoint = prob.endpoints[req.endpoint_id]
for cache_id, latency_saving in endpoint.conns.items():
gains[req.video_id, cache_id] += latency_saving * req.count
return gains
def gains_to_df(mat):
df = pd.DataFrame(mat).stack().reset_index()
df.rename(inplace=True, columns={
'level_0': 'Video',
'level_1': 'Cache',
0: 'Gain'
df.sort_values('Gain', ascending=False, inplace=True)
return df
def simulate_allocations(prob, alloc_ops):
cap = prob.cache_cap
free = cap * np.ones(prob.n_caches)
allocs = [ [] for i in range(prob.n_caches) ]
consecutive_failures = 0
for row in alloc_ops.itertuples():
video_id, cache_id = row.Video, row.Cache
size = prob.videos[video_id].size
if free[cache_id] < size:
print('not enough space to put video #{} into cache #{}'
.format(video_id, cache_id))
consecutive_failures += 1
if consecutive_failures > MAX_CONSECUTIVE_FAILURES:
free[cache_id] -= size
return allocs, free
def write_solution(cache_allocs, file=sys.stdout):
n_used = sum(len(alloc) > 0 for alloc in cache_allocs)
print(n_used, file=file)
for cache_id, alloc in enumerate(cache_allocs):
if len(alloc) > 0:
print(cache_id, *alloc, file=file)
def main():
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
print('usage: ...')
for filename in sys.argv[1:]:
print('---', filename)
print(' parsing')
problem = Problem.read_file(filename)
print(' computing gains matrix')
gains = make_gains(problem)
print(' converting to DF')
alloc_ops = gains_to_df(gains)
print(' simulating allocations')
allocs, free = simulate_allocations(problem, alloc_ops)
print(' writing output')
out_filename = filename + '_sol.txt'
with open(out_filename, 'w') as f:
write_solution(allocs, file=f)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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