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Created September 28, 2016 18:44
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Shadertoy Language


Preprocessor: # #define #undef #if #ifdef #ifndef #else #elif #endif #error #pragma #extension #version #line
Operators: () + - ! * / % < > <= >= == != && ||
Comments: // /* */
Types: void bool int float vec2 vec3 vec4 bvec2 bvec3 bvec4 ivec2 ivec3 ivec4 mat2 mat3 mat4 sampler2D
Function Parameter Qualifiers: [none], in, out, inout
Global Variable Qualifiers: const
Vector Components: .xyzw .rgba .stpq
Flow Control: if else for return break continue
Output: vec4 fragColor
Input: vec2 fragCoord


type radians (type degrees)
type degrees (type radians)
type sin (type angle)
type cos (type angle)
type tan (type angle)
type asin (type x)
type acos (type x)
type atan (type y, type x)
type atan (type y_over_x)
type pow (type x, type y)
type exp (type x)
type log (type x)
type exp2 (type x)
type log2 (type x)
type sqrt (type x)
type inversesqrt (type x)
type abs (type x)
type sign (type x)
type floor (type x)
type ceil (type x)
type fract (type x)
type mod (type x, float y)
type mod (type x, type y)
type min (type x, type y)
type min (type x, float y)
type max (type x, type y)
type max (type x, float y)
type clamp (type x, type minV, type maxV)
type clamp (type x, float minV, float maxV)
type mix (type x, type y, type a)
type mix (type x, type y, float a)
type step (type edge, type x)
type step (float edge, type x)
type smoothstep (type a, type b, type x)
type smoothstep (float a, float b, type x)
mat matrixCompMult (mat x, mat y)
float length (type x)
float distance (type p0, type p1)
float dot (type x, type y)
vec3 cross (vec3 x, vec3 y)
type normalize (type x)
type faceforward (type N, type I, type Nref)
type reflect (type I, type N)
type refract (type I, type N,float eta)
bvec lessThan(vec x, vec y)
bvec lessThan(ivec x, ivec y)
bvec lessThanEqual(vec x, vec y)
bvec lessThanEqual(ivec x, ivec y)
bvec greaterThan(vec x, vec y)
bvec greaterThan(ivec x, ivec y)
bvec greaterThanEqual(vec x, vec y)
bvec greaterThanEqual(ivec x, ivec y)
bvec equal(vec x, vec y)
bvec equal(ivec x, ivec y)
bvec equal(bvec x, bvec y)
bvec notEqual(vec x, vec y)
bvec notEqual(ivec x, ivec y)
bvec notEqual(bvec x, bvec y)
bool any(bvec x)
bool all(bvec x)
bvec not(bvec x)
vec4 texture2D(sampler2D sampler, vec2 coord )
vec4 texture2D(sampler2D sampler, vec2 coord, float bias)
vec4 textureCube(samplerCube sampler, vec3 coord)
vec4 texture2DProj(sampler2D sampler, vec3 coord )
vec4 texture2DProj(sampler2D sampler, vec3 coord, float bias)
vec4 texture2DProj(sampler2D sampler, vec4 coord)
vec4 texture2DProj(sampler2D sampler, vec4 coord, float bias)
vec4 texture2DLodEXT(sampler2D sampler, vec2 coord, float lod)
vec4 texture2DProjLodEXT(sampler2D sampler, vec3 coord, float lod)
vec4 texture2DProjLodEXT(sampler2D sampler, vec4 coord, float lod)
vec4 textureCubeLodEXT(samplerCube sampler, vec3 coord, float lod)
vec4 texture2DGradEXT(sampler2D sampler, vec2 P, vec2 dPdx, vec2 dPdy)
vec4 texture2DProjGradEXT(sampler2D sampler, vec3 P, vec2 dPdx, vec2 dPdy)
vec4 texture2DProjGradEXT(sampler2D sampler, vec4 P, vec2 dPdx, vec2 dPdy)
vec4 textureCubeGradEXT(samplerCube sampler, vec3 P, vec3 dPdx, vec3 dPdy)
type dFdx( type x ), dFdy( type x )
type fwidth( type p )


  • the f suffix for floating pont numbers: 1.0f is illegal in GLSL. You must use 1.0
  • saturate(): saturate(x) doesn't exist in GLSL. Use clamp(x,0.0,1.0) instead
  • pow/sqrt: please don't feed sqrt() and pow() with negative numbers. Add an abs() or max(0.0,) to the argument
  • mod: please don't do mod(x,0.0). This is undefined in some platforms
  • variables: initialize your variables! Don't assume they'll be set to zero by default
  • functions: don't call your functions the same as some of your variables
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