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Last active March 28, 2021 18:40
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Lidia investigation
i10 jab / punish:
1,2,2: mid NC, -10 block, +8 CFT hit
1,2,4: low, -13 block, +3 hit. CH: ff3 followup = 34 dmg
+8 CFT mixup:
1: mid i20, -9 block, hit KD, CH ff1+2 followup = 59 dmg
4: low i19, -26 block, ff3 followup = 26 dmg
ff2 i14 long range mid:
block: -2 pushback -> backdash
hit: +15 CFO
+15 CFO mixup:
2: mid homing i17, -9 block, CH launch
4: mid i28, +8 block, CH launch, d2 followup = 41 dmg
i13 df1:
df1,2: high NC, -3 block, +8 hit
df1,3: mid, -13 block, hit KD, CH launch
ff3 ground hit launcher:
i19 mid, -14 block
db3,2 hellsweep:
-26 block, clean hit = 37 dmg, -2 without clean hit (no followup)
Afterwards -7. db3+4 sabaki hits ground and wins low getup
db3+4 low sabaki:
i22 mid, -3 block, +6 hit, hits ground.
Followup: 2,1 -> ff2 = 59 dmg (ff1+2 = 61 dmg)
db2 high crush:
i18 low, -14 block, -1 hit, 17 dmg
Afterwards: ws4(,1) wins all mids/lows. FC df3 wins all highs.
FC df3 high crush low:
i20 low, -26 block, 20 dmg
ff3 followup guaranteed unless opponent rolls left = 36 dmg. If opponent presses up/back or getup kick ff3 launches. FC df3 catches rolls but loses to up/back = 36 dmg.
Crouch mids:
ws 4,1: i11 mid, high
ws 1,2: i13 mid, high
ws 1,4: i13 mid, mid, -12 block
ws 3,2: i14 mid, mid, -13 block, wall bounce
ws 2,: i15 mid, -12 block, launch
i17 string (mid, high, mid):
b4,3, qcf1+2: Safe pushback. Can't interrupt.
i14 whiff/block punisher:
f1+2,3,2,1: NC, 41 dmg, -14 block last hit. Others = -10. Hit confirmable.
i15 hopkick:
uf4: -13 block, launch.
Juggle: f, 2, 2, b3,4,qcf1+2 = 60 dmg (62 blue spark)
i13 magic 4:
4,1: high, -2 block, juggle: df2, CFT 1, df4,3 dash, df4,2 = 62 dmg
4,3: mid, -10 block, juggle: df2, CFT 1, df4,2 = 61 dmg
d4 generic low:
i12 low, -13 block, -2 hit, 7 dmg
d1 +2 mid:
i18 mid, +2 block, +8 hit. 20 dmg
f3 wall splat safe mid:
i17 mid, low crush, -9 block
General juggle:
df2, CFT 2, df4,3, dash, b4,3, qcf1+2
Works with: CFO 2, CFO 4, df1,3, ff3, ws2, low parry
df4 long range mid (weak side track):
i15 mid, 2 = high followup, 3 = mid followup (unsafe)
Wall combo:
b4,3, qcf1+2
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