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Last active January 1, 2021 14:29
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Leroy investigation
b2 mid+high:
3 frame startup and can interrupt many (non-NC) strings.
1 or 2 followup = 30 damage
Against slow recovery moves can launch with b3 or uf4.
3+4 (Hermit stance) low:
3 frame startup and can interrupt many (non-NC) strings. Hermit string transitions parry dick jab even at -9.
4,1+2 followup = 56 damage
i3/i32 -11 mid sabaki:
d/b+1+2 m 25 32~33 (3~?) -11 KND KND
Beats all high/mid attacks at i3. i32 against lows/throws.
i8/i25 -14 mid power crush (wall bounce):
d/f+1+2 m 23 25~26 pc8 -14 WB! WB! Power Crush, Wall Bounce
i10 sm high crush (weak side tracking):
d+1 sm (TC) 5 10 cs4~ -6 +5 +5
d+1,2 sm,m 5,8 -10 -1 -1
d+1,2,4 sm,m,m 5,8,11 -9 +3 +3
NC = 25 damage and +3 HMT
During sidestep opponent must press B immediately after getting hit by d1 or eats the whole string.
-9 is not safe in HMT stance. Not enough frames to beat jabs with parry or sidestep. Low parry still beats dick jab.
Ducking opponent: NH NC from second hit (mid) = 39 damage. i28.
i10 high CH tool (hit confirmable):
1 h 7 10 +1 +8 +8
1,1 h,m 7,7 10 -7 +4 +4
1,1,1+2 h,m,h,h,h,h 7,7,3,3,3,3 10 -10 +1 +1
1,1,1+2,1 h,m,h,h,h,h,m 7,7,3,3,3,3,20 10 -16 KND KND
Hit confirm after 1,1. -7 on block. HARD.
Hit confirm after 1,1,1+2. -10 on block. EASY. String ender (mid) does 24 damage on CH.
CH = 47 damage
i11 -6 high CH tool:
b+1 h 17(,30) 11 -6 +5 Throw
CH = 50 damage
i12 -5 mid CH launcher:
b+1+2 m 20 12 -5 𝅳+6 CS Tail Spin.
CH launch = 72 damage
i13 -1 mid with safe followups:
d/f+1 m 14 13~14 -1 +5 +5
d/f+1,1 m,h 14,9 -1 +5 +5
d/f+1,4 m,m,(HTS) 14,16 -6 +6 +6
i13 -6 mid with safe CH followup:
d/f+4 m,(HTS) 16 13 -6 +6 +6
d/f+4,3 m 16,17 -9 +7 ATD
2nd attack CH: dash, uf3+4,1+2 = 45 damage
i14 -7/-6 mid CH tool (hit confirmable, weak side tracking):
f+3 m 17 15~16 -7 +7 +7
f+3,1+2 m,h,h,h 17,3,3,3 -6 0 0
f+3,1+2,4 m,h,h,h,m 17,3,3,3,20 -16 KND KND
Hit confirm after 1+2. -6 on block.
CH = 55 damage
i14 high (hit confirmable):
1+2 h,h,h 3,3,3 14 -6 0 0
1+2,1+2 h,h,h,h,h,h 3,3,3,3,3,3 14 -9 0 0
1+2,1+2,1 h,h,h,h,h,h,m 3,3,3,3,3,3,32 14 -17 KND KND
Hit confirm after 1+2,1+2. -9 on block. Pushes opponent: jab / dick jab misses.
NH = 56 damage
i15 low high crush (weak side tracking):
d+2 l 11 15~16 cs6~ -15 -1 -1
d+2,4 l,l 11,17 -13 0 KND
2nd attack CH: dash, db2,1+2 = 45 damage
Both attacks hit grounded
Second attack can't be parried or hopkicked if first hits
i15 mid, with +2 low followup:
3 m 14 15 -8 +3 +3
3,3 m,l 14,17 15 -14 +2 KND
NC = 31 damage
i16 safe mid high crush:
d/b+1 m 15 16~17 -9 +1 +1
d/b+1,3 m,h 15,20 0 +8 +8
d/b+1,1+2 m,m 15,25 -9 KND Launch (CS)
NC db1,3 = 35 dmg, +8 (0 on block)
CH db1,1+2 = 43 dmg (-9 on block)
1+2 last hit delayable. CS juggle d3,2 (HMT) 2,1 dash uf3+4,1+2 = 67 dmg
i16 low->high NC (good tracking):
d+3 l 14 16 -13 -2 -2
d+3,2 l,h,(HTS) 14,10 -3 +8 +8
+8 in Hermit stance for forced Hermit mid/low mixup.
Low hits grounded.
Low i17 high crush:
d/b+4 l 13 17~18 -14 -3s KND
CH: FC df4,1 uf3+4,1+2 = 47 damage
CH: FC df4,1 d2,(delay)4 = 54 damage
Hellsweep i18 (homing):
d/b+3 l 12 18~19 -26 -9 -9
d/b+3,1+2 l,m 12,29 -16 KND KND
Hermit defensive options:
Automatic low parry. Even works at -9 vs dick jab.
b2 parry for mid/high. -6 is enough to parry all attacks, -9 not enough for i10/i11.
Sidesteps: At -6 is enough to step most attacks.
Hermit -6 i3/i24 mid sabaki:
HTS 1 m 17 24~25 (?~) -6 +4 Launch
Beats all high/mid attacks at i3. i24 against lows/throws.
Hermit -7 i11 mid:
HTS 4 m,(HTS) 13 11~12 -7 +7 +7
HTS 4,1+2 m,m,m 13,5,20 -14 KND KND
NC = 38 damage (not hit confirmable)
Hermit -10 i15 mid:
HTS 1+2 m,m,m 5,5,20 15 -10 WB! WB! Wall Bounce
Hermit i16 low,mid NC:
HTS 3,4 l,m 8,16 -15 0 0
+1 on hit.
Hermit i20 low high crush CH launch sweep (homing):
-13 block. 17 damage. +4s on hit.
i14 -13 mid launcher:
f,F+2 m 8 14~15 -11 0 0
f,F+2,2 m,m 8,20 -13 CS CS
NH launch = 78 damage (hit confirmable to -11, followup launcher keeps them honest)
i17 homing mid:
b+4 m 21 17~18 -8 +11kg +11kg Tail Spin, Homing
i17 +0 mid (force crouch):
d+1+2 m 21 17~18 0s +6s Launch (CS)
CH launch = 75 damage
i18 (+1 to +6) high:
f,F+3 h 23 18~23 (19~) +1 ATD ATD
NH launch: uf3+4,1+2 = 48 damage
i18 low crush -6 high launcher:
b+3 h 23 18~19 js9~ -6 S! S! Tail Spin
NH screw launch: dash b3, df1, 2,2, uf3+4,1+2 = 67 damage
i23 -6-8 orbital (low crush):
u/f+4 m 22 23~25 js9~ -8 Launch (KND) Launch (KND)
NH launch = 72 damage
Standing punish:
i10 (27 dmg HMT +3):
1,2,4 h,h,m,(HTS) 7,9,11 10 -9 +3 +3
NC = 27 damage
-9 is not safe in HMT stance. Not enough frames to beat jabs with parry or sidestep. Low parry still beats dick jab.
i12 (30 dmg +7):
2,2 h,h 10,20 12 -7 +7 KND
NC = 30 damage
i14 (56 dmg):
1+2 h,h,h 3,3,3 14 -6 0 0
1+2,1+2 h,h,h,h,h,h 3,3,3,3,3,3 14 -9 0 0
1+2,1+2,1 h,h,h,h,h,h,m 3,3,3,3,3,3,32 14 -17 KND KND
Hit confirm after 1+2,1+2. -9 on block. Pushes opponent: jab / dick jab misses.
NH = 56 damage
i14 long range block punish (35 dmg):
u/f+3+4 m,m 8,10 14~15 js9~ -10 KND KND
u/f+3+4,1+2 m,m,m 8,10,25 -13 KND KND
NC = 35 dmg
i15 (launch, 70 dmg):
d/f+2 m 7 15 -6 +6 +6
d/f+2,1+2 m,h,m 7,5,10 -18 Launch (JG) Launch (JG)
Launch = 70 dmg
WS punish:
i11 (16 dmg +5):
WS+4 m 16 11~12 -6 +5 +5
i13 (30 dmg +6):
WS+1 m 14 13~14 -7 +4 +4
WS+1,4 m,m,(HTS) 14,16 -6 +6 +6
NC = 30 damage
i15 (launch, 73 dmg):
WS+2 m,m,m 10,3,12 15~16 -14 CS CS
launch = 73 damage
Sidestep / backdash (after df1 at -1):
i10 sm d1(,2,4) walk step/walk hit1@maxrng
i10 hh 1(,1) step/walk step(hit1)/walk hit1
i11 h b1 step/walk step/walk yes
i12 m b1+2 step step/walk yes
i13 m df1 step/walk - -
i13 mh df1,1 step(hit1)/walk - -
i13 mm df1,4 step(hit1)/walk - -
i13 m df4 step/walk walk -
i13 mm df4,3 step(hit1)/walk walk -
i14 mhm f3(,1+2,4) step(hit1)/walk walk hit1@maxrng
i14 hhm 1+2,1+2(,1) step(hit1)/walk step(hit1)/walk hit1@maxrng
i14 m fF+2 hold F tracks hold F tracks -
i15 ml 3(,3) step(hit1)/walk - -
i15 l d2 walk step/walk -
i15 ll d2,4 walk step(hit1)/walk -
i16 m db1(,3/1+2) step(hit1)/walk step(hit1)/walk(50%) -
i16 lh d3(,2) walk - -
i17 m b+4 - - -
i17 l db4 step/walk walk -
i17 m d1+2 walk step/walk -
i18 lm db3(,1+2) - - -
i18 h fF3 - - -
i18 h b+3 step/walk step/walk -
i21 m uf4 walk step/walk -
i25 m df1+2 step/walk step/walk - (i8 power crush)
i32 m db1+2 step/walk step/walk - (i3 sabaki)
Default juggle:
df1,3 d3,2 (HMT) 2,1 dash uf3+4, 1+2
Ground hits:
down db2,1+2: -13 low. Damage = 25
ff1+2: -9 mid. Damage = 22
db4: -13 low. Damage = 12
d2,4: -12/-11 low. Damage = 12/13 (wall = both can hit = 23 dmg)
hermit 4: -7 mid. Damage = 10 (wall = 1+2 followup unless roll = 24 dmg)
db3(,1+2) TODO
d3(,2) TODO
Wall juggle:
df1, uf3+4,1+2
df3,1, db2,1+2
Wall splats:
uf3: i20 mid TJ -8: 58 dmg
uf2: i24 mid TJ +1: (df1, df1, uf3+4,1+2) = 65 dmg
uf3+4: i14 mid TJ -10: 52 dmg
hermit 4,1+2: i11 mid GH -14: 71 dmg
ff1+2: i17 mid -9: 61 dmg
1+2: i14 high (hit confirm safe): 89 dmg
df1+2: i8/i24 mid PC -14: 67 dmg
CH 1,1,1+2,1: i10 (hit confirm safe): 74 dmg (no longer splats, but get a free db2,1+2)
CH b1+2: i12 mid -6: 58 dmg
CH db1,1+2: i16 mid,mid TC -9: 76 dmg
hermit low parry -> 4,1+2 + default splat combo: 86 dmg
Parry/sabaki (i3) setups:
1,2,1 block (-6)
1,2,3 block (-6)
2,2 block (-7)
2,1 block (-7)
2,1,2 block (-7)
f4,4 block (-6)
b1 block (-6)
b3 block (-6)
uf4 block (-6-8)
qcf2 block (-6)
df2+3 block (-7)
HMT 1 block (-6)
HMT 4 block (-7)
f2,3,4 block (HMT -6)
df4 block (HMT -6)
ff4 block (HMT -4)
WS 1,4 block (HTM -6)
d2 hit (-4) uf1: frames 7-16
db4 hit (-3) uf1: frames 6-15
FC4 hit (-4) uf1: frames 7-16
All enemy plus on block moves, including rage drives. Enemy plus on block lows.
Pushback (on block) to bait whiffs with backdash:
uf1 2.30
1,2,1 2.30
u4 max range 2.30
df2,1+2 2.02
db1+2 2.14
1+2,1+2 2.00
b4 max range 2.00
parry built-in 1/2 2.00
d1+2 1.80
2,2 1.71
u4 1.66
d4 1.64
1 1.63
df1,1 1.56
1,2 1.50
Frame traps:
1 block +1
1,1, block -1
df1,1 block -1
df3,1 block +0
ff3 max range +1/+0/-1
3,3 low hit +2
HMT b4 low hit +4
Running 3 block +7
d3,4 hit HMT +8
Leroy full frame data:
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