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Created April 2, 2020 21:43
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1:43 PM
ella @here Jill pointed out that there is now an “unpublish” button in the admin side. is this in relation to the #505? that looks like it still in the backlog tho (edited)
1:43 PM
they urgently want to know the purpose of the unpublish and how it came to be
1:43 PM
1:45 PM
ella @seb that ticket is still in backlog and doesnt say anything about an unblish button is it related? (edited)
1:45 PM
seb linking the issue
1:45 PM
that you referenced
1:45 PM
so ppl can click it
1:45 PM
ella kk
1:45 PM
seb to see what it is
1:45 PM
ella ty
1:46 PM
seb can you explain the urgency?
1:46 PM
is this like "drop everything" type deal
1:46 PM
if so curious why
1:46 PM
or just like - when you're done with your current thing check this out
1:48 PM
ella urgently meaning if you can answer who put it there and why ASAP - dont need to code anything just need backstory for why it is there
1:48 PM
they just got very upset about it because it isnt something they asked for/approved
1:49 PM
seb lol, well it looks like it's 9 months old
1:49 PM
elliot Lol
1:49 PM
ella the unpublish button has been there for 9 months?
1:49 PM
seb longer
1:49 PM
9 months ago it was linted
1:49 PM
ella theyre swearing its not
1:49 PM
seb just formatting
1:50 PM
wow github is fuccin up
1:50 PM
{isPublished ? 'Unpublish' : isExisting ? 'Update' : 'Save As Draft'}
:lock: <|bean-la/culinistas-react>:lock: bean-la/culinistas-react | Added by GitHub
1:50 PM
ella so if it was linted doesnt that mean it didnt make it to production?
1:50 PM
seb linted is just formatting
1:51 PM
ella so it wasnt in the place that it is now?
1:51 PM
seb we haven't touched it
1:51 PM
1:51 PM
Eric put a linter
1:51 PM
on all code
1:51 PM
9 months ago
1:51 PM
so it looked liek he touched it but he didnt
1:51 PM
ella but maybe it was hidden until something just pushed it live?
1:51 PM
seb he jsut changed the formatting
1:52 PM
ella they are swearing it wasnt on the admin site until just now
1:52 PM
seb you gettin github timeout?
1:52 PM
ella yes getting the timeout
1:52 PM
seb wish i could show you the timestamp
1:52 PM
so we gatta wait for github to come back
1:52 PM
and i'll show you receipts
1:53 PM
Screen Shot 2020-04-02 at 1.52.59 PM.png
Screen Shot 2020-04-02 at 1.52.59 PM.png
1:54 PM
ella but is there anyway it was hidden by some other UI element or otherwise until today?
1:54 PM
seb :man-shrugging:
1:54 PM
we can look
1:54 PM
into it
1:54 PM
if you'd like
1:54 PM
like i said we haven't touched it - so we'd have to get familiar with it to get you answers
1:55 PM
Screen Shot 2020-04-02 at 1.55.27 PM.png
Screen Shot 2020-04-02 at 1.55.27 PM.png
1:55 PM
ah hmm
1:56 PM
@brian maybe something you changed for evergreen menu
1:56 PM
ericb I wouldn’t have done nested ternary, fwiw
1:56 PM
seb since we're using that same field
1:57 PM
the string "Unpublish" has been there since the very first commit on this repo @ella
Screen Shot 2020-04-02 at 1.56.46 PM.png
Screen Shot 2020-04-02 at 1.56.46 PM.png
1:57 PM
ella ok i will relay all of this
1:57 PM
seb kew
1:57 PM
there's a chance, since we're using the status field
1:57 PM
ella i just got snapped at so im not looking forward to telling her shes wrong and its always been there haha
1:57 PM
seb for evergreen
1:57 PM
what better?
1:58 PM
@ella wait for brian to get back
1:58 PM
n suss it out a bit
1:58 PM
there's a chance that something w/ evergreen nudged it out of hiding (edited)
1:58 PM
ella ok ty
1:58 PM
seb need more info tho
1:58 PM
1:58 PM
1:58 PM
something he can look at on his computer
1:59 PM
eg which menu is showing this button on which screen
2:02 PM
@ella github is back
2:02 PM
2:02 PM
16 months ago
2:03 PM
ella ok yes that is proven
2:03 PM
but need to understand if it was not a public facing UI element
2:03 PM
and specificially what it does
2:03 PM
seb so here's the Q
2:04 PM
and i think this will be an ongoing
2:04 PM
do we pull brian off his current task
2:04 PM
to answer this question
2:04 PM
considering he's been pulled multiple times already and there's a good chance he wont be able to finish the thing we asked him to work on today
2:05 PM
process issue really
2:05 PM
really comes down to - is this effecting anything right now
2:06 PM
because if not - then i'd say its' not "urgent" other than their feels
2:06 PM
which... we need to start pushing back on, i'd say
2:06 PM
to respect the devs workflow, and let them finish a single task
2:07 PM
happy to have this discussion, could be a good time for it
2:08 PM
and maybe it's as simple as brian looking at it quick and giving us an answer
2:09 PM
but assuming he needs to actually dig into it.. then we're going to end the day without the cc bug done. i'd say he should finish that first and then look into this. but ey, we'll do whatever the client wants
2:20 PM
ella i 100% understand and agree which is why i said the level or urgency is “urgently meaning if you can answer who put it there and why ASAP - dont need to code anything just need backstory for why it is there”
2:20 PM
so if he can quickly look and give answer, great! if he cant get answer from a quick look then we push back
2:21 PM
i am working on getting them used to more pushback
2:21 PM
but they are firey and demanding
2:22 PM
like we spoke about earlier in the week, after all this launches we’ll have a tech call with them to kick off Q2
2:22 PM
and on that call we’re going to work on their expectations and remind them of process
2:23 PM
we jsut need to get through these feature launches
2:26 PM
seb kk, so i guess i'd just say something along the lines of "urgent" isnt necessarily required, since we respond to you at the level you are requesting already
2:27 PM
like if you just want us to answer a question
2:27 PM
"urgent" doesnt really effect it
2:27 PM
2:27 PM
it just kinda freaks us out a bit
2:28 PM
n i think the idea is the PM needs to obsorb some of that freakout
2:28 PM
2:33 PM
brian @seb @ella hey I'm back from lunch
2:33 PM
Where is this unpublish button?
2:34 PM
On the just regular menu page?
2:34 PM
2:34 PM
I can go back to earlier commit before evergreen and see if I somehow affected it
2:35 PM
ella one sec sending screenshots
2:36 PM
hey so it only shows up on weekly menus:
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