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Save sebble/e5af3d03700bfd31c62054488bfe8d4f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#!/bin/bash | |
USER=${1:-sebble} | |
STARS=$(curl -sI https://api.github.com/users/$USER/starred?per_page=1|egrep '^Link'|egrep -o 'page=[0-9]+'|tail -1|cut -c6-) | |
PAGES=$((658/100+1)) | |
echo You have $STARS starred repositories. | |
echo | |
for PAGE in `seq $PAGES`; do | |
curl -sH "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3.star+json" "https://api.github.com/users/$USER/starred?per_page=100&page=$PAGE"|jq -r '.[]|[.starred_at,.repo.full_name]|@tsv' | |
done | |
echo | |
# curl -sI https://api.github.com/users/$USER/starred?per_page=100|egrep '^Link: '|tr , \\n|grep 'rel="next"'|egrep -o '<https[^>]+'|tr -d \< |
This is pretty useful - thanks!
Thanks, this was way nicer than trying to go through the paginated list on GitHub. 👍
I think you have a bug with the number 658
that should be $STARS
Also I've converted this to powershell for any Windows people who might need it: https://gist.github.com/mika76/2dd7be2e982c7b12fc88445d8064fc4d#file-stars-ps1
Thanks again @sebble - it's really useful!
What about writing it to a csv file with also the direct link to the repository?
Furthermore, at least for my user, this line seems not to work:
STARS=$(curl -sI https://api.github.com/users/$USER/starred?per_page=1|egrep '^Link'|egrep -o 'page=[0-9]+'|tail -1|cut -c6-)
I wrote this, it will open all starred GitHub repositories in new tab.
The life of a windows user :'(
I came up with this simple shell script leveraging jq
while curl -s "https://api.github.com/users/$user/starred?per_page=100&page=${page:-1}" \
|jq -r -e '.[].full_name' && [[ ${PIPESTATUS[1]} != 4 ]]; do
let page++
Powershell script using build-in JSON parsing:
$user = "juergenhoetzel"
$p = 1
do {
$full_names = Invoke-RestMethod "https://api.github.com/users/$user/starred?per_page=100&page=$p"
} while ($full_names.Length -gt 0)
doesnt work
jq: error (at :4): Cannot index string with string "starred_at"
jq: error (at :4): Cannot index string with string "starred_at"
jq: error (at :4): Cannot index string with string "starred_at"
jq: error (at :4): Cannot index string with string "starred_at"
jq: error (at :4): Cannot index string with string "starred_at"
jq: error (at :4): Cannot index string with string "starred_at"
jq: error (at :4): Cannot index string with string "starred_at"
doesnt work jq: error (at :4): Cannot index string with string "starred_at" jq: error (at :4): Cannot index string with string "starred_at" jq: error (at :4): Cannot index string with string "starred_at" jq: error (at :4): Cannot index string with string "starred_at" jq: error (at :4): Cannot index string with string "starred_at" jq: error (at :4): Cannot index string with string "starred_at" jq: error (at :4): Cannot index string with string "starred_at"
You are running into non-authenticated api rate limiting. Generate a token:
The easiest way to use this token is to set it to the environment variable GITHUB_TOKEN.
doesnt work jq: error (at :4): Cannot index string with string "starred_at" jq: error (at :4): Cannot index string with string "starred_at" jq: error (at :4): Cannot index string with string "starred_at" jq: error (at :4): Cannot index string with string "starred_at" jq: error (at :4): Cannot index string with string "starred_at" jq: error (at :4): Cannot index string with string "starred_at" jq: error (at :4): Cannot index string with string "starred_at"
You need to do:
sudo apt-get install -y jq
and have a GITHUB_TOKEN
Should really use the "Link" headers for pagination.