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Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
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Dynamic DynamoDB 1.19.0 debug
[table: ^prod-displays-20141106$]
# Read provisioning configuration
# Enable or disable reads autoscaling
#enable-reads-autoscaling = true
# Enable reads up or down scaling
# Those controls will not have any effect if enable-reads-autoscaling is false
enable-reads-up-scaling = true
enable-reads-down-scaling = true
# Thresholds for scaling up or down the provisioning (%)
reads-upper-threshold: 90
reads-lower-threshold: 1
# How many percent should Dynamic DynamoDB increase/decrease provisioning with (%)
increase-reads-with: 1
decrease-reads-with: 1
# Units to increase or decrease reads with, must be either percent or units
increase-reads-unit: units
decrease-reads-unit: units
# Maximum and minimum read provisioning
# Dynamic DynamoDB will not provision any more or less reads than this
min-provisioned-reads: 30
max-provisioned-reads: 40
# Write provisioning configuration
# Enable or disable writes autoscaling
enable-writes-autoscaling = true
# Enable writes up or down scaling
# Those controls will not have any effect if enable-writes-autoscaling is false
enable-writes-up-scaling = true
enable-writes-down-scaling = false
# Thresholds for scaling up or down the provisioning (%)
writes-upper-threshold: 90
writes-lower-threshold: 30
# How many percent should Dynamic DynamoDB increase/decrease provisioning with (%)
increase-writes-with: 1
decrease-writes-with: 1
# Units to increase or decrease writes with, must be either percent or units
increase-writes-unit: units
decrease-writes-unit: units
# Maximum and minimum write provisioning
# Dynamic DynamoDB will not provision any more or less writes than this
min-provisioned-writes: 1
max-provisioned-writes: 10
# Maintenance windows (in UTC)
#maintenance-windows: 22:00-23:59,00:00-01:00
# Simple Notification Service configuration
# Topic ARN to publish notifications to
# Example:
# sns-topic-arn: arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:123456789012:dynamic-dynamodb-my_table
sns-topic-arn: arn:aws:sns:ap-southeast-1:618546184539:dynamic-dynamodb-sdtest
# Message types to send as SNS notifications
# Comma separated list. Currently supported values:
# - scale-up Get notifications when the table is scaled up
# - scale-down Get notifications when the table is scaled down
# Example:
# sns-message-types: scale-up, scale-down, error-messages
sns-message-types: scale-up, scale-down
# Other settings
# Allow down scaling when at 0% consumed reads
allow-scaling-down-reads-on-0-percent: false
allow-scaling-down-writes-on-0-percent: false
# Restric scale down to only happend when BOTH reads AND writes are in need
# of scaling down. Set this to "true" to minimize down scaling.
always-decrease-rw-together: false
# Scale down table / GSI after x consecutive positive checks
#num-read-checks-before-scale-down: 4
#num-write-checks-before-scale-down: 2
2014-11-06 20:00:57,050 - dynamic-dynamodb - DEBUG - dryrun - Authenticating to SNS using credentials in configuration file
2014-11-06 20:00:57,051 - dynamic-dynamodb - DEBUG - dryrun - Connected to SNS in eu-west-1
2014-11-06 20:00:57,052 - dynamic-dynamodb - DEBUG - dryrun - Authenticating to DynamoDB using credentials in configuration file
2014-11-06 20:00:57,053 - dynamic-dynamodb - DEBUG - dryrun - Connected to DynamoDB in eu-west-1
2014-11-06 20:00:57,088 - dynamic-dynamodb - DEBUG - dryrun - Authenticating to CloudWatch using credentials in configuration file
2014-11-06 20:00:57,090 - dynamic-dynamodb - DEBUG - dryrun - Connected to CloudWatch in eu-west-1
2014-11-06 20:00:57,319 - dynamic-dynamodb - DEBUG - dryrun - Table prod-displays-20141105 did not match with config key ^prod-displays-20141106$
2014-11-06 20:00:57,319 - dynamic-dynamodb - DEBUG - dryrun - Table prod-displays-20141106 match with config key ^prod-displays-20141106$
2014-11-06 20:00:57,319 - dynamic-dynamodb - DEBUG - dryrun - Table prod-emails-201410 did not match with config key ^prod-displays-20141106$
2014-11-06 20:00:57,320 - dynamic-dynamodb - DEBUG - dryrun - Table prod-emails-201411 did not match with config key ^prod-displays-20141106$
2014-11-06 20:00:57,320 - dynamic-dynamodb - DEBUG - dryrun - Table prod-sessions-201410 did not match with config key ^prod-displays-20141106$
2014-11-06 20:00:57,320 - dynamic-dynamodb - DEBUG - dryrun - Table prod-sessions-201411 did not match with config key ^prod-displays-20141106$
2014-11-06 20:00:57,669 - dynamic-dynamodb - DEBUG - dryrun - prod-displays-20141106 - Currently provisioned read units: 100
2014-11-06 20:00:57,669 - dynamic-dynamodb - INFO - dryrun - prod-displays-20141106 - Consumed read units: 11%
2014-11-06 20:00:57,770 - dynamic-dynamodb - DEBUG - dryrun - prod-displays-20141106 - Currently provisioned write units: 1000
2014-11-06 20:00:57,770 - dynamic-dynamodb - INFO - dryrun - prod-displays-20141106 - Consumed write units: 32%
2014-11-06 20:00:57,770 - dynamic-dynamodb - DEBUG - dryrun - prod-displays-20141106 - Throughput alarm thresholds not crossed
2014-11-06 20:00:57,819 - dynamic-dynamodb - DEBUG - dryrun - prod-displays-20141106 - Currently provisioned read units: 100
2014-11-06 20:00:57,930 - dynamic-dynamodb - DEBUG - dryrun - prod-displays-20141106 - Currently provisioned read units: 100
2014-11-06 20:00:57,930 - dynamic-dynamodb - INFO - dryrun - prod-displays-20141106 - Consumed read units: 11%
2014-11-06 20:00:58,046 - dynamic-dynamodb - INFO - dryrun - prod-displays-20141106 - Read throttle count: 0
2014-11-06 20:00:58,047 - dynamic-dynamodb - INFO - dryrun - Will not increase writes over max-provisioned-reads limit (40 writes)
2014-11-06 20:00:58,047 - dynamic-dynamodb - INFO - dryrun - prod-displays-20141106 - Consecutive read checks 0/1
2014-11-06 20:00:58,095 - dynamic-dynamodb - DEBUG - dryrun - prod-displays-20141106 - Currently provisioned write units: 1000
2014-11-06 20:00:58,196 - dynamic-dynamodb - DEBUG - dryrun - prod-displays-20141106 - Currently provisioned write units: 1000
2014-11-06 20:00:58,196 - dynamic-dynamodb - INFO - dryrun - prod-displays-20141106 - Consumed write units: 32%
2014-11-06 20:00:58,280 - dynamic-dynamodb - INFO - dryrun - prod-displays-20141106 - Write throttle count: 0
2014-11-06 20:00:58,281 - dynamic-dynamodb - INFO - dryrun - Will not increase writes over max-provisioned-writes limit (10 writes)
2014-11-06 20:00:58,281 - dynamic-dynamodb - INFO - dryrun - prod-displays-20141106 - Consecutive write checks 0/1
2014-11-06 20:00:58,281 - dynamic-dynamodb - INFO - dryrun - prod-displays-20141106 - Changing provisioning to 40 read units and 10 write units
2014-11-06 20:00:58,331 - dynamic-dynamodb - DEBUG - dryrun - prod-displays-20141106 - Currently provisioned read units: 100
2014-11-06 20:00:58,377 - dynamic-dynamodb - DEBUG - dryrun - prod-displays-20141106 - Currently provisioned write units: 1000
2014-11-06 20:00:58,424 - dynamic-dynamodb - DEBUG - dryrun - prod-displays-20141106 - Table status is ACTIVE
2014-11-06 20:00:58,473 - dynamic-dynamodb - DEBUG - dryrun - prod-displays-20141106 - Currently provisioned read units: 100
2014-11-06 20:00:58,515 - dynamic-dynamodb - DEBUG - dryrun - prod-displays-20141106 - Currently provisioned write units: 1000
2014-11-06 20:00:58,515 - dynamic-dynamodb - INFO - dryrun - prod-displays-20141106 - Updating provisioning to 40 reads and 10 writes
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