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Last active October 19, 2019 14:11
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Concurrency testing
public void testQueryConcurrency(SessionFactoryScope scope) throws InterruptedException {
final int numberOfIterations = 40;
final int numberOfForks = 5;
final ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool( 5 );
final List<Future<String>> futures = CollectionHelper.arrayList( numberOfIterations * numberOfForks );
try {
for ( int f = 0; f < numberOfForks; f++ ) {
final ArrayList<Callable<String>> tasks = CollectionHelper.arrayList( numberOfIterations );
for ( int i = 0; i < numberOfIterations; i++ ) {
tasks.add( () -> executeQueriesForConcurrency( scope ) );
futures.addAll( executor.invokeAll( tasks ) );
assertThat( futures.size(), is( numberOfIterations * (f+1) ) );
finally {
// make sure all iterations/tasks have completed
executor.awaitTermination( 15, TimeUnit.SECONDS );
while ( ! futures.isEmpty() ) {
futures.removeIf( future -> future.isCancelled() || future.isDone() );
// no matter what I have tried above in finally I have been unable to successfully wait until
// all queries have finished executing. So I get failures here, although the actual value of
// `statistics.getPrepareStatementCount()` varies each time - which is what I base my conclusion
// that not all queries have completed by the time execution gets here.
// 3 queries per iteration
is( numberOfForks * numberOfIterations * 3 )
public String executeQueriesForConcurrency(SessionFactoryScope scope) {
session -> {
final QueryImplementor<Component> query1 = session.createQuery(
"select e.component from SimpleEntity e where e.component.attribute1 = :param",
query1.setParameter( "param", "a1" ).list();
final QueryImplementor<Component> query2 = session.createQuery(
"select e.component from SimpleEntity e where e.component.attribute1 = :param",
query2.setParameter( "param", "b1" ).list();
return null;
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