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Adding Unicode transformation functions to the string module
% vim: ft=mercury ff=unix ts=4 sw=4 tw=78 et
% File: string_encoding.m
% Copyright © 2014 Sebastian Godelet
% Main author: Sebastian Godelet <>
% Created on: Sun Jun 22 11:13:20 CEST 2014
% Stability: low
% A little effort to implement UTF-16 support for strings.
:- module string_encoding.
:- interface.
:- import_module list.
:- type utf_encoding
---> utf7
; utf8
; utf16
; utf32
; gb18030.
% `native_encoding' returns the encoding used for strings,
% i.e. the encoding for a code unit.
:- func native_encoding = utf_encoding.
:- type code_unit_list == list(int).
:- type conv_pred == pred(code_unit_list, code_unit_list).
:- inst conv_pred == (pred(in, out) is det).
% `native_code_units_to_unicode(TargetEncoding, !CodeUnits)'
% converts a list of native code units used for encoding strings in the
% current grade to any of the most common Unicode transformation formats,
% and will throw an exception if the desired Unicode transformation
% format is not supported.
:- pred native_code_units_to_unicode(utf_encoding::in)
`with_type` conv_pred `with_inst` conv_pred.
% `native_code_units_to_unicode(SourceEncoding, !CodeUnits)'
% converts a list of code units encoded in the `SourceEncoding' to the
% native encoding used as the string encoding for the current grade.
% This predicate will throw an exception if the source
% Unicode transformation format is not supported.
:- pred native_code_units_from_unicode(utf_encoding::in)
`with_type` conv_pred `with_inst` conv_pred.
:- implementation.
:- import_module char.
:- import_module int.
:- import_module string.
:- import_module require.
% `native_encoding' is implemented as a foreign procedure.
% It mapping for all implemented grades is:
% * UTF-16 for the Java and C# grades
% * UTF-8 for all others
:- pragma foreign_proc("Java",
string_encoding.native_encoding = (Encoding::out),
[will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe],
Encoding = utf16;
:- pragma foreign_proc("C#",
string_encoding.native_encoding = (Encoding::out),
[will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe],
Encoding = utf16;
native_encoding = utf8.
% The implementation uses the native encoding to efficiently convert from one
% encoding to another. The goal is to reduce the number of conversions to
% a mininum.
:- func encoding_name(utf_encoding) = string is det.
encoding_name(utf7) = "UTF-7".
encoding_name(utf8) = "UTF-8".
encoding_name(utf16) = "UTF-16".
encoding_name(utf32) = "UTF-32".
encoding_name(gb18030) = "GB18030".
native_code_units_to_unicode(TargetEncoding, !CodeUnits) :-
( native_encoding = TargetEncoding ->
; native_encoding = utf16, TargetEncoding = utf8 ->
unexpected($file, $pred,
format("%s -> %s is not supported in grade %s",
s(encoding_name(TargetEncoding)), s($grade)]))
:- pred utf16_to_utf8 `with_type` conv_pred `with_inst` conv_pred.
utf16_to_utf8(Utf16CodeUnits, Utf8CodeUnits) :-
utf16_to_utf8_2(Utf16CodeUnits, [], Utf8CodeUnits).
:- pred utf16_to_utf8_2(code_unit_list::in)
`with_type` conv_pred `with_inst` conv_pred.
utf16_to_utf8_2([]) --> [].
utf16_to_utf8_2([Utf16CodeUnit | Utf16CodeUnits]) -->
{ det_from_int(Utf16CodeUnit, Char) },
{ is_leading_surrogate(Char) }
{ Utf16CodeUnits = [TrailCodeUnit | Utf16CodeUnitsNoTrail],
from_int(TrailCodeUnit, Trail),
is_trailing_surrogate(Trail) }
{ det_from_int((TrailCodeUnit - 0xd800) * 0x400 +
Utf16CodeUnit - 0xdc00 + 0x10000, Combined) },
{ unexpected($file, $pred, "Lead surrogate without trail") }
:- pred append_utf8_code_units(char::in)
`with_type` conv_pred `with_inst` conv_pred.
append_utf8_code_units(Char, !CodeUnits) :-
char.to_utf8(Char, CharUnits)
!:CodeUnits = !.CodeUnits ++ CharUnits
unexpected($file, $pred, "Cannot convert char to UTF-8")
native_code_units_from_unicode(SourceEncoding, !CodeUnits) :-
( native_encoding = SourceEncoding ->
; native_encoding = utf16, SourceEncoding = utf8 ->
; native_encoding = utf8, SourceEncoding = utf16 ->
unexpected($file, $pred,
format("%s -> %s is not supported in grade %s",
s(encoding_name(native_encoding)), s($grade)]))
:- pred utf8_to_utf16 `with_type` conv_pred `with_inst` conv_pred.
utf8_to_utf16(Utf8CodeUnits, Utf16CodeUnits) :-
utf8_to_utf16_2(Utf8CodeUnits, [], Utf16CodeUnits).
:- pred utf8_to_utf16_2(code_unit_list::in)
`with_type` conv_pred `with_inst` conv_pred.
utf8_to_utf16_2([]) --> [].
utf8_to_utf16_2([Utf8CodeUnit | Utf8CodeUnits]) -->
{ Utf8CodeUnit =< 0x7f }
{ det_from_int(Utf8CodeUnit, Char) },
{ unexpected($file, $pred, "Non-ASCII chars are not supported yet") }
:- pred append_utf16_code_units(char::in)
`with_type` conv_pred `with_inst` conv_pred.
append_utf16_code_units(Char, !CodeUnits) :-
char.to_utf16(Char, CharUnits)
!:CodeUnits = !.CodeUnits ++ CharUnits
unexpected($file, $pred, "Cannot convert char to UTF-16")
:- end_module string_encoding.
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