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Last active May 21, 2017 16:20
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/* TODO - FIXME function was written from scratch, SHOULD be in an "openstreetmap" module !!! */
function parseOSM(query) {
var drawMap = function(id, latLon) {
var mPoint = ol.proj.transform([latLon[1], latLon[0]], 'EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:3857');
var iconFeature = new ol.Feature({ geometry: new ol.geom.Point(mPoint) });
var iconStyle = new{
image: new{
anchor: [0.5, 46],
anchorXUnits: 'fraction',
anchorYUnits: 'pixels',
opacity: 0.75,
scale: 0.5,
src: 'img/logoI.svg'
return new ol.Map({
target: id,
layers: [
new ol.layer.Tile({
source: new ol.source.OSM()
new ol.layer.Vector({
source: new ol.source.Vector({ features:[iconFeature] })
view: new ol.View({
center: ol.proj.fromLonLat([latLon[1], latLon[0]]),
zoom: 18
var getLink = function(ll) {
var base = '';
var href = [base,'mlat=',ll[0],'&mlon=',ll[1],'#map=19/',ll[0],'/',ll[1]].join('');
return '<a href="'+href+'#" class="ui pointing blue basic label">' +
'<i class="map icon"></i> larger map' +
var getMap = function(index) {
var _id = 'osm_'+index;
var geo = $(this).data('geo');
var latLon = geo.split(',').map(parseFloat);
$(this).attr('id', _id);
// TODO - !is(latLon[0],'number') etc...
if (latLon.length < 2 || latLon.length > 3 || isNaN(latLon[0]) || isNaN(latLon[1])) {
// geocoding first ...
$.getJSON('', {
q: geo,
addressdetails: 1,
polygon_svg: 1,
format: 'json'
if (Array.isArray(a) && a.length > 0) {
var latLon = [parseFloat(a[0].lat), parseFloat(a[0].lon)];
drawMap(_id, latLon);
} else {
$(this).height('auto').html('<i class="red map icon"></i> no map found.')
} else {
drawMap(_id, latLon);
return function() {
/* parse localized dates */
function parseDate(query, format) { /* TODO TS defaults : */
if (!query) {
query = 'time[datetime]';
if (!format) {
format = { weekday: 'long', year: 'numeric', month: 'long', day: 'numeric' };
$(query).each(function(index) {
var dt = $(this).attr('datetime');
var ds = (new Date(dt)).toLocaleDateString([], format);
if (ds !== 'Invalid Date') { $(this).text(ds); }
], function (progress, IA) {
$(document).ready(function() {
/* init IndieAuth and start verify... */
var IndieAuth = (new IA.default());
/* parse maps and dates */
require([''], function (ol) {
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