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Last active April 8, 2016 14:58
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virtual-dom todos <100 LOC

This was a small challenge to write a standard and unstyled todos app within 100 lines of code, while maintaining readability.

It can be found on JS Bin

This project was to also prove that components are nothing more than a function that returns a vTree. The only purpose of creating an instance of the component is to maintain internal state. If there is none, then a component can just be a pure function.

Although a trivial application, it might also demonstrate that such things can be built without frameworks or virtual-dom libraries - only the virtual-dom is needed.

I did use my own fork from the virtual-dom repo for this project so that I could use the vDOM object.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
<title>JS Bin</title>
var e = virtualDom.h;
var DOM = new virtualDom.vDOM();
function TodosModel(callback){
_todos = [];
return {
get: function(){
return _todos;
add: function(label){
_todos.push( {label: label, complete: false} );
remove: function(id){
edit: function(id,label){
_todos[id].label = label;
toggle: function(id){
_todos[id].complete = !_todos[id].complete;
function TodosView(render){
var editing = null;
function update(todos){
var component = function(todos){
function isEditing(todo){
if(editing == todo) return 'input';
else return 'label';
function isComplete(todo){
return {'text-decoration': 'line-through'};
function addTodo(e){
if(e.keyCode != 13) return;
return e('#todos', [
e('h1', 'Todos'),
e('input', {
onkeypress: addTodo,
autofocus: true,
value: '',
placeholder: 'what needs to be done?'
e('ul', todos.get().map(function(todo,i){
return e('li', [
e(isEditing(todo), {
onclick: function(){ editing = todo; update(todos); },
onblur: function(){ editing = null; update(todos); },
style: isComplete(todo),
value: todo.label
}, todo.label),
e('button', {onclick: todos.toggle.bind(todos,i)}, 'Done'),
e('button', {onclick: todos.remove.bind(todos,i) }, 'X')
return component;
var todosComponent = new TodosView(DOM.render);
var todos = new TodosModel(
function(newTodos){ DOM.render( todosComponent(newTodos) ); }
todos.add('add todos');
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