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Created April 16, 2020 12:10
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Short, Self Contained, Correct (Compilable), Example of JSON recursive descent parser based on an extended regexp
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';
use utf8;
use open ':std', ':encoding(UTF-8)';
use Data::Dumper;
$Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
$Data::Dumper::Indent = 2;
my $data = $ARGV[0] || '{"id":42}';
my $o = from_json($data);
say Dumper $o;
sub TRACE_JSON {1}
# Return a Perl structure corresponding to a json string
sub from_json {
my $i = '⋅';
my $l = 0;
my $rx = qr{
# this regex is a recusrive descent parser - see
# and chapter 1 "Recursive regular expressions" of Mastering Perl (Brian d Foy)
# Inside the block (?(DEFINE) ...) (?<FOOBAR> ...) defines a named pattern FOOBAR
# that can be called with (?&FOOBAR)
# (?{ ... }) is a block of Perl code that is evaluated at the time we reach it while running the pattern
# $^R is the value returned by the last runned (?{ }) block
# $^N is the last matched group
(?&VALUE) (?{ $_ = $^R->[1] }) # <== entry point of the parser
(?(DEFINE) # this does not try to match, it only defines a serie of named patterns
(?<VALUE> (?{ say $i x $l++,'Value?' if TRACE_JSON;$^R })
(?{ say $i x $l,'try object' if TRACE_JSON;$^R }) (?&OBJECT)
(?{ say $i x $l,'try number' if TRACE_JSON;$^R }) (?&NUMBER) (?{ say $i x $l,'post number' if TRACE_JSON;$^R })
(?{ say $i x $l,'try string' if TRACE_JSON;$^R }) (?&STRING)
(?{ say $i x $l,'try array' if TRACE_JSON;$^R }) (?&ARRAY)
(?{ say $i x $l,'try true' if TRACE_JSON;$^R }) true (?{ say $i x $l,'->true' if TRACE_JSON; [$^R, 1] })
(?{ say $i x $l,'try false' if TRACE_JSON;$^R }) false (?{ say $i x $l,'->false' if TRACE_JSON; [$^R, 0] })
(?{ say $i x $l,'try null' if TRACE_JSON;$^R }) null (?{ say $i x $l,'->null' if TRACE_JSON; [$^R, undef] })
\s* (?{ say $i x $l--,'end of value' if TRACE_JSON;$^R })
(?<OBJECT> # will generate a Perl hash
(?{ [$^R, {}] }) # init structure
\{ # start of object
(?&KV) # [[$^R, {}], $k, $v] # first pair
(?{ say($i x $l,'first object pair ', Dumper($^R)) if TRACE_JSON; [$^R->[0][0], {$^R->[1] => $^R->[2]}] })
(?: # additional pairs
\s* , \s* (?&KV) # [[$^R, {...}], $k, $v]
(?{ say($i x $l,'additional object pair ', Dumper($^R)) if TRACE_JSON; [$^R->[0][0], {%{ $^R->[0][1]}, $^R->[1] => $^R->[2]}] })
)* # additional pairs are optional
)? # object may be empty
\} # end of object
(?<KV> # tuple <key, value>
(?{ say $i x $l,'tuple rule' if TRACE_JSON;$^R })
(?&STRING) # [$^R, "string"]
\s* : \s* (?&VALUE) # [[$^R, "string"], $value]
(?{ say $i x $l,'->have tuple' if TRACE_JSON; [$^R->[0][0], $^R->[0][1], $^R->[1]] })
(?<ARRAY> # will generate a Perl array
(?{ [$^R, []] }) # init structure
\[ # start of array
(?&VALUE) # first element
(?{ say($i x $l,'first array item ', Dumper($^R)) if TRACE_JSON; [$^R->[0][0], [$^R->[1]]] })
(?: # additional elements
\s* , \s* (?&VALUE) # additional elements
(?{ say($i x $l,'additional array item ', Dumper($^R)) if TRACE_JSON; [$^R->[0][0], [@{$^R->[0][1]}, $^R->[1]]] })
)* # additional elements are optional
)? # array may be empty
\] # end of array
(?<STRING> (?{ say $i x $l,'string rule' if TRACE_JSON;$^R })
\\ ["\\bfnrt] # escaped backspace, form feed, newline, carriage return, tab, \, "
\\ u [0-9a-fA-F]{4}
my $s = $^N;
$s =~ s/\\u([0-9A-Fa-f]{4})/\\x{$1}/g;
$s =~ s/@/\\@/g;
my $v = eval $s;
say $i x $l,"->have string '$v'" if TRACE_JSON;
[ $^R, $v ] })
(?<NUMBER> (?{ say $i x $l,'number rule' if TRACE_JSON;$^R })
(?: 0 | [1-9]\d* )
(?: \. \d+ )?
(?: [eE] [-+]? \d+ )?
(?{ my $v = eval $^N;
say $i x $l,"->have number $v" if TRACE_JSON;
[$^R, $v] })
my $struct;
local $_ = shift;
local $^R;
eval { m{\A$rx\z}; } and $struct = $_;
return $struct;
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