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0 who conceived go Robert Griesemer<div>Rob Pike</div><div>Ken Thompson</div>
0 CSP Communicating Sequential Processes<div><br></div><div>Tony Hoare 1978 paper on foundations of concurrency</div><div><br></div><div>Go ancestor</div>
0&nbsp;pernicious <div><div><div>having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way<br></div></div></div>
p4 half-open intervals indexing intervals that include the first index but exclude the last<div><br></div><div>used in Go and most languages</div>
p4 slice interval omission: someslice[1:] if n is omitted, defaults to 0 or len(someslice)
p5 variable implicit initialization "if variable declaration doesn't initialize a value, the variable is implicitly initialized to the zero value for its type.<div><br></div><div>"""" for strings</div><div>0 for numbers</div>"
p9 allowed map key types a value of any type whose values can be compared with ==
&nbsp;p9 iteration order of map random.
p9 bufio.Scanner reads input and breaks it into lines or words, often easiest way to p
Ch 2. Docker
Three things to be aware of when referring to docker as a tech
Lowest level, starts/stops containers. Builds OS constructs like namespaces and cgroups
Containerd & runc
runc - low-level runtime, interface with OS start/stop. Every container has a runc instance managing it.
containerd - higher-level runtime, manages entire lifecycle including pulling images
OCI - governance council, standardizes low-level fundamental components of container infrastructure