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Last active December 16, 2015 00:48
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Save sebllll/5349791 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Display-Functions for processing
{ "keys": ["."], "command": "display_functions",
"context": [
"operand": "",
"operand": "source.pde",
"operator": "equal",
"match_all": true,
"key": "selector"
import sublime
import sublime_plugin
import re
import os.path
completions = []
class DisplayFunctionsCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def is_method(self, word):
word_checker = self.view.substr(word)
word_prev = self.view.substr(word.begin() - 1)
if ' ' in word_prev:
return False
if ')' in word_checker:
return True
if '.' in word_checker:
return True
if ')' in word_prev:
return True
if '.' in word_prev:
return True
return False
def run(self, edit):
sel = self.view.sel()[0]
word = self.view.word(sel.end() - 1)
self.view.insert(edit, sel.end(), ".")
if ')' in self.view.substr(sel.begin() - 1):
word = self.prev(word)
object_type = self.get_obj_type(word)
if object_type:
if self.add_functions(object_type):
self.view.run_command('auto_complete', {
'disable_auto_insert': True,
'api_completions_only': True,
'next_competion_if_showing': False
def make_filename(self, classname):
this_file = self.view.file_name()
dir_len = this_file.rfind('/') # (for OSX)
if not dir_len > 0:
dir_len = this_file.rfind('\\') # (for Windows)
this_dir = this_file[:(dir_len + 1)] # + 1 for the '/'
# return this_dir + classname + ".java"
return this_dir + classname + ".pde"
def get_package_dir(self):
return os.path.join(sublime.packages_path(), "Display Functions (Java)")
def prev(self, word):
if '.' in self.view.substr(word.begin() - 1):
num = 3
num = 1
return self.view.word(word.begin() - num)
def next(self, word):
return self.view.word(word.end() + 1)
def get_return_type(self, current_word, method_region):
method = self.view.substr(method_region)
filename = self.make_filename(current_word)
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
read_data =
return_type ='([\w]+)(?=(?![\n\r]+)\s*' + re.escape(method) + ')', read_data)
return_type =
return return_type
def get_obj_type(self, word_region):
obj_type = None
prev_word = self.prev(word_region)
if 'super' in self.view.substr(word_region):
extend = self.view.find('extends', 0)
return self.view.substr(
#recursive case
if self.is_method(word_region):
prev_obj_type = self.get_obj_type(prev_word)
obj_type = self.get_return_type(prev_obj_type, word_region)
return obj_type
# else:
string = self.view.substr(word_region)
regions = self.view.find_all('(?<![\\w])' + re.escape(string) + '\\b')
for r in regions:
prev_word = self.prev(r)
if "storage.type" in self.view.scope_name(prev_word.begin()):
return self.view.substr(prev_word)
def check_str(self, classname, check_name):
if classname == check_name:
check_path = os.path.join(self.get_package_dir(), check_name)
check_path += '.txt'
with open(check_path, 'r') as f:
str_fun =
return str_fun
def add_functions_helper(self, classname):
filename = self.make_filename(classname)
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
read_data =
methods = []
method_lines = re.findall('public.*|protected.*', read_data)
for l in method_lines:
s ='(\w+)\s*\(.*\)(?=.*\{)', l)
if s:
comments = re.findall("/\*.*", read_data)
superclass ="extends\s*(\w*)", read_data)
print filename
if superclass:
superclass =
superclass = superclass[8:]
for m in self.add_functions_helper(superclass):
for c in comments: # remove commented out methods from list
for m in methods:
if m in c:
return methods
#Takes a classname and returns a list of all the class methods
def add_functions(self, classname):
methods = self.check_str(classname, "String")
if not methods:
methods = self.check_str(classname, "Object")
if not methods:
methods = self.add_functions_helper(classname)
for m in methods:
if methods:
return True
return False
class FunctionsAutoComplete(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
def on_query_completions(self, view, prefix, locations):
_completions = []
for c in list(set(completions)):
c_snip = c
params = re.findall('\w+\s+\w+(?=\)|,)',c_snip)
num = 1
for p in params:
c_snip = c_snip.replace(p, '${' + str(num) + ':' + p + '}')
num = num + 1
_completions.append((c, c_snip))
del completions[:]
# return (x,x) for x in sorted(_completions)
return sorted(_completions)
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