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Created August 10, 2012 07:51
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public static class UrlHelperExtensions
public static string SmartAction(this UrlHelper url, object values)
return SmartAction(url, null, values);
public static string SmartAction(this UrlHelper url, RouteValueDictionary valueCollection)
return SmartAction(url, null, valueCollection);
public static string SmartAction(this UrlHelper url, string actionName, object values)
return SmartAction(url, actionName, null, new RouteValueDictionary(values));
public static string SmartAction(this UrlHelper url, string actionName, RouteValueDictionary valueCollection)
return SmartAction(url, actionName, null, valueCollection);
public static string SmartAction(this UrlHelper url, string actionName, string controllerName, object values)
return SmartAction(url, actionName, controllerName, new RouteValueDictionary(values));
public static string SmartAction(this UrlHelper url, string actionName, string controllerName, RouteValueDictionary valueCollection)
var resultingCollection = new RouteValueDictionary();
foreach (var pair in valueCollection)
var value = pair.Value;
var type = value == null ? null : value.GetType();
if (value != null && (type.IsArray || type.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(IEnumerable))))
var i = 0;
foreach (var v in (IEnumerable)value)
resultingCollection.Add(pair.Key + "[" + i + "]", v);
else if (value != null && type.IsClass && type != typeof(string))
foreach (PropertyDescriptor property in TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(value))
resultingCollection.Add(pair.Key + "." + property.Name, property.GetValue(value));
resultingCollection.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value);
return url.Action(actionName, controllerName, resultingCollection);
public class SmartController : Controller
protected override IActionInvoker CreateActionInvoker()
return new SmartControllerActionInvoker();
public class SmartControllerActionInvoker : ControllerActionInvoker
protected override ActionResult CreateActionResult(ControllerContext controllerContext, ActionDescriptor actionDescriptor, object actionReturnValue)
if (actionReturnValue == null) return new EmptyResult();
return (actionReturnValue as ActionResult) ?? new JsonResult { Data = actionReturnValue, JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet };
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