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Created July 26, 2010 13:54
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ART.Fx Demo
var playhead, art, keyframe1, keyframe2;
addEvent('load', function(){
art = new ART(400, 400).inject(document.body);
playhead = new ART.Rectangle(200, 200)
keyframe1 = playhead.tween(2000) // begin tween
.scale(2, 1)
keyframe2 = keyframe1.tween(2000) // sequential chaining
.scale(2, 2)
keyframe2.tweenTo(keyframe1, 2000); // loop
addEvent('click', function(){
playhead.tweenTo(playhead); // equivalent to playhead.stop();
addEvent('keyup', function(){
playhead.tweenTo(keyframe2.stop()); // tween to keyframe2, then stop
// Keyframes can be thought of as timelines
var playhead, art;
addEvent('load', function(){
art = new ART(400, 400).inject(document.body);
playhead = new ART.Rectangle(200, 200)
var timeline = playhead.tween(2000)
.scale(2, 1)
timeline.tween(500) // append to the existing timeline
.scale(2, 2)
.scale(1, 1)
timeline.getLast().tweenTo(timeline.clone().reverse().next); // equivalent to timeline.yoyo();
timeline.repeat(10); // repeat the whole thing 10 times
timeline.setDuration(5000); // uniformly scale the entire animation down to 5 seconds
addEvent('click', function(){
if (playhead.paused) playhead.resume() else playhead.pause();
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