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Last active December 12, 2015 00:18
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Save sebnozzi/4682549 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is my "boring", "conservative", verbose, "my momma should grasp it" version of FizzBuzz...
object FizzBuzz extends App {
implicit class MyInt(thisNumber: Int) {
def isDivisibleByOrHasDigit(other: Int) = { isDivisibleBy(other) || hasDigit(other) }
def isDivisibleBy(other: Int) = (thisNumber % other == 0)
def hasDigit(c: Char): Boolean = thisNumber.toString.contains(c)
def hasDigit(x: Int): Boolean = {
assert(x >= 0 && x < 10, s"Number should be 1 digit long (found: $x)")
implicit class MySeq[T](seq: Seq[T]) {
def ifNotEmpty[R](block: Seq[T] => R)(ifEmpty: R): R =
if (!seq.isEmpty)
case class SpecialWord(word: String, when: (Int) => Boolean) {
def correspondsTo(number: Int): Boolean = when(number)
override def toString = word
lazy val specialWords = Seq(
new SpecialWord("Fizz", when = { _.isDivisibleByOrHasDigit(3) }),
new SpecialWord("Buzz", when = { _.isDivisibleByOrHasDigit(5) }),
new SpecialWord("Wizz", when = { _.isDivisibleByOrHasDigit(7) }))
def specialWordsFor(number: Int): Seq[SpecialWord] = {
assert(specialWords != null)
specialWords.filter { _.correspondsTo(number) }
def fizzBuzzOf(number: Int): String = {
specialWordsFor(number).ifNotEmpty(_.mkString(" "))(ifEmpty = number.toString)
def fizzBuzzUpTo(upperBound: Int) = {
(1 to upperBound).toList map (fizzBuzzOf(_))
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Note that ifNotEmpty/ifEmpty is a Smalltalk idiom. It looks much nicer in that language ;-)

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