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Created May 4, 2024 14:20
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Coin Collector Game for the Mini Micro
// Fox
foxImg = file.loadImage("fox.png")
fox = new Sprite
fox.image = foxImg
fox.localBounds = new Bounds
fox.localBounds.width = foxImg.width
fox.localBounds.height = foxImg.height
fox.speed = 10
fox.x = 200
fox.y = 200
// Coin Sprite
coinImg = file.loadImage("coin.png")
coin = new Sprite
coin.image = coinImg
coin.localBounds = new Bounds
coin.localBounds.width = coinImg.width
coin.localBounds.height = coinImg.height
coin.x = 500
coin.y = 500
coin.moveToRandomLocation = function
self.x = floor(rnd * 960)
self.y = floor(rnd * 640)
end function
// Score
score = {}
score.value = 10
score.print = function
eraseText 25, 5, "SCORE: 999999".len
printTextAtPosition "SCORE: "+self.value, 25, 5, color.white
end function
score.increase = function
score.value += 10
end function
// Countdown
countdown = {}
// Countdown value in seconds
countdown.value = 0
// Timestamp of the last check
countdown.lastDecreaseTs = 0
countdown.start = function(initialValue)
self.value = initialValue
self.lastDecreaseTs = time
end function
countdown.print = function
eraseText 25, 50, "TIME: 1000".len
printTextAtPosition "TIME: "+self.value, 25, 50, color.white
end function
countdown.update = function
currentTs = time
elapsed = currentTs - self.lastDecreaseTs
// A second elapsed since last check
if elapsed > 1 then
self.lastDecreaseTs = currentTs
end if
end function
countdown.decrease = function
self.value -= 1
if self.value < 0 then self.value = 0
end function
countdown.isFinished = function
return self.value <= 0
end function
// Text helper functions
eraseText = function(row,column,length)
text.row = row
text.column = column
// Print "length" amount of spaces, with no "newline"
print " " * length, ""
end function
printTextAtPosition = function(txt,row,column,txtColor)
// Save current color and set the one passed as parameter
previousColor = text.color
text.color = txtColor
// Move to position and print text
text.row = row
text.column = column
print txt
// Restore previous color
text.color = previousColor
end function
printTextCentered = function(txt,row,txtColor)
totalColumns = 68
column = totalColumns / 2 - txt.len / 2
printTextAtPosition txt,row,column,txtColor
end function
// Game setup
gfx.clear "#308A37"
sprd = display(4)
sprd.sprites.push fox
sprd.sprites.push coin
countdown.start 20
// Game Loop
while true
if countdown.isFinished then break
if key.pressed("left") then
fox.x -= fox.speed
else if key.pressed("right") then
fox.x += fox.speed
else if key.pressed("up") then
fox.y += fox.speed
else if key.pressed("down") then
fox.y -= fox.speed
end if
if fox.overlaps(coin) then
end if
end while
// Game ending
printTextCentered "FINAL SCORE: " + score.value, 16, color.white
printTextCentered "Do you want to play again? (y/n)", 14, color.white
while true
k = key.get.lower
if k == "y" then run
if k == "n" then break
end while
print "Bye!"
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