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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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package org.scalavienna.refactoringdojo.gameoflife
import org.scalatest.FunSuite
import org.scalatest.Matchers
import org.scalatest.exceptions.TestFailedException
import scala.Array.canBuildFrom
import scala.Array.fallbackCanBuildFrom
* As a general rule, don't remove test-cases. You are free to add, though.
* However, consider these as acceptance tests. No need to be exhaustive here.
* Rely on your own unit-tests for in-depth coverage of your components.
* */
class AcceptanceTests extends FunSuite with Matchers with AcceptanceTester {
test("An isolated cell dies") {
in = """ ....
exp = """....
test("A cell with only 1 neighbour dies") {
in = """ ....
exp = """....
test("A cell with 2 neighbours lives") {
in = """ O...
exp = """....
test("Acceptance test (covers all rules)") {
in = """ O...
exp = """....
* You may only change the *implementation* of the "calculate"
* method, NOT the type signature. Don't add methods here.
trait TestGameCalculator {
* This method is the bridge between the input
* of the acceptance-tests and your real implementation
* of the game-of-life algorithm.
* You may change the code inside this method (you
* will actually have to). But leave the signature as-is.
* Try to keep this method as anemic as possible,
* delegating as much as possible to your own
* components.
* Ideally, it should consist of just one or two lines.
* */
def calculate(in: String): String = {
val world = new GoL()
world.from_string ( in )
* You should not need to change anything here.
* Try to leave this trait as-is. It's an implementation detail.
* Ignore it.
* */
trait AcceptanceTester extends TestGameCalculator { self: FunSuite with Matchers =>
private def parse(str: String): Seq[String] = {
def assertGoL(in: String, exp: String): Unit = {
val out = calculate(in)
if (parse(exp) != parse(out)) {
def adjust(str: String) = str.split("\n").map(s => s"\t\t${s.trim()}").mkString("\n")
val adjustedIn = adjust(in)
val adjustedExp = adjust(exp)
val adjustedOut = adjust(out)
val msg = s"""Result did not match expectation:
throw new TestFailedException(msg, 4)
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