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Created November 18, 2014 15:43
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JavaScript.tmLanguage con coloreado de TODOs
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>JavaScript Syntax: version 2.0</string>
<string>^#!/usr/bin/env node</string>
<string>node.js shebang</string>
<string>^#!/usr/bin/env node</string>
<string>match stuff like: Sound.prototype = { … } when extending an object</string>
<string>match stuff like: = function() { … }</string>
<string>match stuff like: = myfunc</string>
<string>match stuff like: = function() { … }</string>
<string>match stuff like: play = function() { … }</string>
<string>match regular function like: function myFunc(arg) { … }</string>
<string>match stuff like: foobar: function() { … }</string>
<string>Attempt to match "foo": function</string>
<!-- <string>(?:((')(.*?)('))|((")(.*?)(")))\s*:\s*\b(function)?\s*(\()(.*?)(\))</string> -->
<!-- soporte para TODO (coloreado con scope de error xml)-->
<string>constant.character.entity.xml</string> <!-- invalid.illegal.bad-ampersand.xml -->
<!-- Fin soporte para TODO -->
<!-- ANTIGUO MODO DE CAPTURAR //DOBLESLASH (origina de este lenguaje) ~seb
<!-- nuevo formato de comentarios con doble slash, menos weon y soporta TODOs -->
<!-- soporte para TODO (coloreado con scope de error xml)-->
<string>constant.character.entity.xml</string> <!-- invalid.illegal.bad-ampersand.xml -->
<!-- Fin soporte para TODO -->
<string>,[ |\t]*</string>
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