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Last active September 4, 2015 15:32
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Crear grafico con Apache Benchmark (ab)
#Ejecuta un Apache Benchmark (ab) y lo grafica usando gnuplot
#tamaño imagen
#úsame :3 pero úsame bien
uso="Uso: $0 <host> [<concurrentes> <totales>] [archivo sin punto]\nEjemplo: $0 1 2 imagen\n\n"
[[ $1 == "" ]] && printf "$uso" && exit
[[ $1 != "" ]] && host=$1
[[ $2 != "" ]] && [[ $3 == "" ]] && printf "$uso" && exit
[[ $4 != "" ]] && [[ "${4: -4:1}" == "." ]] && printf "$uso (SIN PUNTO!)" && exit
#variables qls de archivos
tmp=$(date | md5) && tmp=${tmp:0:7}
[[ $4 != "" ]] && png=$4.png
#template pa gnuplot
set terminal png size $w,$h
set size 1, 1
set output \"$png\"
set title \"$3 solicitudes ($2 conexiones concurrentes) \n $host\"
set key left top
set grid y
set xdata time
set timefmt \"%s\"
set format x \"%S\"
set xlabel 'segundos'
set ylabel \"tiempo respuesta (ms)\"
set datafile separator '\t'
plot \"$ab\" every ::2 using 2:5 title '' with points
echo "$PLOT" > $plot
echo "* AB ($ab)" && ab -c $2 -n $3 -g $ab $host
echo "* PLOT ($plot)" && gnuplot $plot || exit 0
[[ $4 != "" ]] && open $png
[[ $4 == "" ]] && echo "* Terminado!! Imagen quedó en $png"
# subl plot.xd
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