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Created April 19, 2024 20:52
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class GuidShortener {
public static guidToBase95(guid: string): string {
const bigInt = this.hexToBigInt(guid);
let base95String = this.bigIntToBase95(bigInt);
// Pad the result to ensure it's exactly 20 characters long
while (base95String.length < 20) {
base95String = ' ' + base95String; // Using space to pad for simplicity
return base95String;
public static base95ToGUID(base95String: string): string {
const bigInt = this.base95ToBigInt(base95String);
const hexString = this.bigIntToHex(bigInt);
return this.formatGUID(hexString);
private static hexToBigInt(hexString: string): bigint {
// Remove any hyphens and convert hex string to a BigInt
return BigInt(`0x${hexString.replace(/-/g, '')}`);
private static bigIntToBase95(bigInt: bigint): string {
const base = 95n;
const characters = Array.from({ length: 95 }, (_, i) => String.fromCharCode(i + 32));
let result = '';
while (bigInt > 0n) {
result = characters[Number(bigInt % base)] + result;
bigInt /= base;
return result;
private static base95ToBigInt(base95String: string): bigint {
const base = 95n;
const characters = Array.from({ length: 95 }, (_, i) => String.fromCharCode(i + 32));
let bigInt = 0n;
for (let char of base95String.trim()) {
bigInt = bigInt * base + BigInt(characters.indexOf(char));
return bigInt;
private static bigIntToHex(bigInt: bigint): string {
// Convert BigInt to hex, remove the '0x' prefix, and pad to 32 characters
let hexString = bigInt.toString(16).padStart(32, '0');
return hexString;
private static formatGUID(hexString: string): string {
// Insert hyphens to format it as a GUID: 8-4-4-4-12
return `${hexString.slice(0, 8)}-${hexString.slice(8, 12)}-${hexString.slice(12, 16)}-${hexString.slice(16, 20)}-${hexString.slice(20)}`;
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