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Last active November 11, 2023 15:05
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Example of code to invoke Claude v2 LLM on Amazon Bedrock in the Swift programming language
import Foundation
// reduce the verbosity of the AWS SDK
import ClientRuntime
SDKLoggingSystem.initialize(logLevel: .warning)
import AWSBedrock
import AWSBedrockRuntime
// create a Bedrock client and list available models for a provider
let provider = "cohere"
print("====== Models available for \(provider)")
let client = try BedrockClient(region: "us-east-1")
let input = ListFoundationModelsInput(byProvider : provider)
let output = try await client.listFoundationModels(input: input)
print(output.modelSummaries!.map { "\($0.modelName!) : \($0.modelId!)" }.joined(separator: "\n"))
// create a bedrock runtime client and invoke a model
let modelId = "cohere.embed-english-v3"
let runtime = try BedrockRuntimeClient(region: "us-east-1")
let document =
This is a document that provides context about a business domain
let payload = CohereEmbedDocument(texts: [document], inputType: .searchDocument)
let request = InvokeModelInput(body: try payload.encode(),
contentType: "application/json",
modelId: modelId)
do {
let invokeModelOutput = try await runtime.invokeModel(input: request)
// print("== raw response ==")
// print(String(data: invokeModelOutput.body!, encoding: .utf8)!)
let cohereResponse = try CohereEmbedResponse(from: invokeModelOutput.body!)
} catch {
enum CohereEmbedInputType: String, Encodable {
case searchDocument = "search_document"
case searchQuery = "search_query"
case clasification = "classification"
case clustering = "clustering"
enum CohereEmbedTruncating: String, Encodable {
case none = "NONE"
case start = "START"
case end = "END"
struct CohereEmbedDocument: Encodable {
let texts: [String]
let inputType: CohereEmbedInputType
let truncate: CohereEmbedTruncating = .end
func encode() throws -> Data {
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
return try encoder.encode(self)
struct CohereEmbedResponse: Decodable, CustomStringConvertible {
let embeddings: [[Double]]
let id: String
let texts: [String]
init(from data: Data) throws {
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
self = try decoder.decode(CohereEmbedResponse.self, from: data)
var description: String {
guard embeddings.count > 0 else {
return "no embeddings"
let embedding = embeddings[0]
let elementsToShow = min(5, embedding.count)
return "[" +
embedding[0..<elementsToShow].map { String(format: "%.3f", $0) }.joined(separator: ",")
+ ",...] (\(embedding.count) elements)"
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