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Created October 13, 2021 19:04
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Unity AnimationCurve decorator to clamp the curve like RangeAttribute is for float.
using UnityEngine;
public class ClampedCurveAttribute : PropertyAttribute
public readonly float MinX;
public readonly float MaxX;
public readonly float MinY;
public readonly float MaxY;
public ClampedCurveAttribute( float minX, float maxX, float minY, float maxY )
MinX = minX;
MaxX = maxX;
MinY = minY;
MaxY = maxY;
public ClampedCurveAttribute() : this( 0, 1, 0, 1 )
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
[ CustomPropertyDrawer( typeof( ClampedCurveAttribute ) ) ]
public class ClampedCurveDrawer : PropertyDrawer
public override void OnGUI( Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label )
EditorGUI.PropertyField( position, property, label );
if ( EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() )
var attr = (ClampedCurveAttribute) attribute;
var curve = property.animationCurveValue;
ClampCurve( curve, attr.MinX, attr.MaxX, attr.MinY, attr.MaxY );
property.animationCurveValue = curve;
public static void ClampCurve( AnimationCurve curve, float minX, float maxX, float minY, float maxY )
var keys = curve.keys;
for ( int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++ )
keys[ i ].time = Mathf.Clamp( keys[ i ].time, minX, maxX );
keys[ i ].value = Mathf.Clamp( keys[ i ].value, minY, maxY );
keys[ 0 ].time = minX;
keys[ keys.Length - 1 ].time = maxX;
curve.keys = keys;
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