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Last active December 4, 2022 14:01
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testing more stuff with win32...
"""This module abstracts the win32 api logic into easily usable functions
relevent to the program."""
import ctypes
import ctypes.wintypes
import win32gui as wg
import win32api as wa
import win32con as wc
from enum import Enum
# from namedlist import namedlist don't need that since namedtuple is in 3.8
from collections import namedtuple
import subprocess
import time
class Split(Enum):
Enum containing information of how the window is split:
horizontally or vertically.
vert = 0
horz = 1
def swap(self):
"""Gets the opposite split.
(Split): the split opposite of the current split.
return Split((self.value + 1) % 2)
class Dir(Enum):
Enum containing information of how the direction in 4 ways.
up = 0
right = 1
down = 2
left = 3
Rect = namedtuple('Rect', 'x, y, w, h')
Size = namedtuple('Size', 'w, h')
# from data import Rect
def get_screen_resolution():
Fetches the screen resolution in pixels.
(int, int): (width, height) in pixels of screen size.
return wa.GetSystemMetrics(0), wa.GetSystemMetrics(1)
def is_real_window(hwnd):
Determines if the hwnd is a visible window.
hwnd (int): The window handler.
(bool): True if real window, else False.
# and for details.
class TITLEBARINFO(ctypes.Structure):
"""ctype Structure for TITLEBARINFO"""
_fields_ = [
("cbSize", ctypes.wintypes.DWORD),
("rcTitleBar", ctypes.wintypes.RECT),
("rgstate", ctypes.wintypes.DWORD * 6)
class WINDOWINFO(ctypes.Structure):
"""ctype Structure for WINDOWINFO"""
_fields_ = [
("cbSize", ctypes.wintypes.DWORD),
("rcWindow", ctypes.wintypes.RECT),
("rcClient", ctypes.wintypes.RECT),
("dwStyle", ctypes.wintypes.DWORD),
("dwExStyle", ctypes.wintypes.DWORD),
("dwWindowStatus", ctypes.wintypes.DWORD),
("cxWindowBorders", ctypes.wintypes.UINT),
("cyWindowBorders", ctypes.wintypes.UINT),
("atomWindowType", ctypes.wintypes.ATOM),
("wCreatorVersion", ctypes.wintypes.DWORD),
if not wg.IsWindowVisible(hwnd) or not wg.IsWindow(hwnd):
return False
hwnd_walk = wc.NULL
# See if we are the last active visible popup
hwnd_try = ctypes.windll.user32.GetAncestor(hwnd, wc.GA_ROOTOWNER)
while hwnd_try != hwnd_walk:
hwnd_walk = hwnd_try
hwnd_try = ctypes.windll.user32.GetLastActivePopup(hwnd_walk)
if wg.IsWindowVisible(hwnd_try):
if hwnd_walk != hwnd:
return False
# Removes some task tray programs and "Program Manager"
title_info = TITLEBARINFO()
title_info.cbSize = ctypes.sizeof(title_info)
ctypes.windll.user32.GetTitleBarInfo(hwnd, ctypes.byref(title_info))
if title_info.rgstate[0] & wc.STATE_SYSTEM_INVISIBLE:
return False
# Tool windows should not be displayed either
if wg.GetWindowLong(hwnd, wc.GWL_EXSTYLE) & wc.WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW:
return False
ctypes.windll.user32.GetWindowInfo(hwnd, ctypes.byref(pwi))
# Backround metro style apps.
if pwi.dwStyle == 2496593920:
return False
if pwi.dwExStyle & wc.WS_EX_NOACTIVATE:
return False
return True
def get_all_windows():
Generates list of the hwnd of all 'real' windows.
(bool): List of hwnd of real windows.
def call(hwnd, param):
The callback function to be used by EnumWindows.
Appends all hwnds to param list
if is_real_window(hwnd):
winds = []
wg.EnumWindows(call, winds)
return winds
def get_text(hwnd=None):
Gets the titlebar text of a window (only standard ascii).
hwnd (int): The window handler.
(string): The titlebar text of the window.
return ''.join(char for char in wg.GetWindowText(hwnd) if ord(char) <= 126)
total_windows = {}
for i in get_all_windows():
tup = wg.GetWindowPlacement(i)
minimized = ""
normal = ""
maximized = ""
if tup[1] == wc.SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED:
maximized = True
total_windows.update({i: ["maximized", maximized]})
elif tup[1] == wc.SW_SHOWMINIMIZED:
minimized = True
total_windows.update({i: ["minimized", minimized]})
elif tup[1] == wc.SW_SHOWNORMAL:
normal = True
total_windows.update({i: ["normal", normal]})
wg.ShowWindow(i, wc.SW_MINIMIZE)
p = subprocess.Popen([r"C:\games\icytower1.3\icytower13.exe"]) # modify this line if it's on a different path
print("it quit?")
for j in total_windows:
if total_windows.get(j)[0] == "normal":
wg.ShowWindow(j, wc.SW_SHOWNORMAL)
elif total_windows.get(j)[0] == "minimized":
wg.ShowWindow(j, wc.SW_MINIMIZE)
elif total_windows.get(j)[0] == "maximized":
wg.ShowWindow(j, wc.SW_MAXIMIZE)
def move_window(hwnd, rect, gap=0, border=True):
Moves window.
hwnd (int): The window handler.
rect: Rect(x, y, w, h) of new location.
gap (int): Number of pixels between each window.
border (bool): Should invisible border should be accounted for.
BORDER_WIDTH = 7 if border else 0 # Windows 10 has an invisible 8px border
x = int(rect.x) - BORDER_WIDTH + gap // 2
y = int(rect.y) + gap // 2
w = int(rect.w) + 2 * BORDER_WIDTH - gap
h = int(rect.h) + BORDER_WIDTH - gap # No hidden border on top
wg.MoveWindow(hwnd, x, y, w, h, True)
def restore(hwnd):
Restores (unmaximizes) the window.
hwnd (int): The window handler.
wg.ShowWindow(hwnd, wc.SW_RESTORE)
def maximize(hwnd):
Maximizes the window.
hwnd (int): The window handler.
wg.ShowWindow(hwnd, wc.SW_MAXIMIZE)
def get_foreground_window():
Returns the currently focused window's hwnd.
(int): The focused window's window handler.
return wg.GetForegroundWindow()
def add_titlebar(hwnd):
Sets the window style to include a titlebar if it doesn't have one.
hwnd (int): The window handler.
style = wg.GetWindowLong(hwnd, wc.GWL_STYLE)
style |= wc.WS_CAPTION
wg.SetWindowLong(hwnd, wc.GWL_STYLE, style)
def remove_titlebar(hwnd):
Sets window style to caption (no titlebar).
hwnd (int): The window handler.
style = wg.GetWindowLong(hwnd, wc.GWL_STYLE)
style &= ~wc.WS_CAPTION
wg.SetWindowLong(hwnd, wc.GWL_STYLE, style)
def get_window_rect(hwnd):
Gets the window's dimensions in the form Rect(x, y, w, h).
hwnd (int): The window handler.
(Rect(x, y, w, h)): The dimensions of the window.
rect = wg.GetWindowRect(hwnd)
return Rect(rect[0], rect[1], rect[2] - rect[0], rect[3] - rect[1])
def focus_window(hwnd):
Focuses the given window.
hwnd (int): The window handler.
wg.ShowWindow(hwnd, wc.SW_SHOW)
wg.ShowWindow(hwnd, wc.SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE)
def close_window(hwnd):
Sends a message to close the given window.
hwnd (int): The window handler.
wg.PostMessage(hwnd, wc.WM_CLOSE, 0, 0)
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