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Created March 25, 2014 17:30
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Gatling Integration Util
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import io.gatling.core.Predef._
import io.gatling.http.Predef._
import io.gatling.http.request.builder._
import io.gatling.core.session._
import io.gatling.http.check.HttpCheck
import io.gatling.http.request.StringBody
import io.gatling.core.structure.{PopulatedScenarioBuilder, ChainBuilder}
import io.gatling.http.request.builder.AbstractHttpRequestBuilder.toActionBuilder
class GatlingSim extends Simulation {
class GatlingTests(int: IntegrationUtils) {
import int._
val gatTest = createTest("Is Gatling there?",
step("Grab root", false, "/", headers = textHeader)
val tests = new GatlingTests(new IntegrationUtils("", ""))
val httpProtocol = http
.acceptEncodingHeader("gzip, deflate")
.extraInfoExtractor((protocol: String, status: Status, session: Session, req: Request, res: Response) => {
val body = req.getMethod match {
case x if x.equalsIgnoreCase("get") => ""
case x if x.equalsIgnoreCase("post") => req.getStringData
case x if x.equalsIgnoreCase("put") => req.getStringData
case x if x.equalsIgnoreCase("patch") => req.getStringData
case x if x.equalsIgnoreCase("delete") => ""
case _ => ""
List(req.getUrl, body, res.statusCode, res.body.string())
class IntegrationUtils(val httpServer: String, val httpsServer: String) {
val wxdLib = new tests.Wxd(this)
val upsLib = new tests.Ups(this)
val cmsLib = new tests.Cms(this)
val wxCheckinLib = new tests.WxCheckin(this)
val solrLib = new tests.Solr(this)
val xLib = new tests.X(this)
val textHeader = Map("Content-Type" -> "text/plain")
val jsonHeader = Map("Content-Type" -> "application/json")
type Step = HttpRequestWithParamsBuilder
private def chainParam(r: Step, kv: (String, Expression[String])) = r.queryParam(kv._1, kv._2)
def addParams(req: Step, params: Iterable[(String, Expression[String])]) = (req /: params)(chainParam)
def addChecks(req: Step, stat: Int, checks: Iterable[HttpCheck]) = (req.check(status is stat) /: checks)(_.check(_))
private def commonStep(
title: String,
secure: Boolean,
url: String,
method: String = "get",
body: StringBody,
stat: Int,
headers: Map[String, String],
params: List[(String, Expression[String])],
checks: Iterable[HttpCheck]
): Step = {
val server = if (secure) httpsServer; else httpServer
val fullStepName = title + " (" + method + ")"
val test = method match {
case "get"|"GET" => http(fullStepName).httpRequestWithParams(method, server + url)
case _ => http(fullStepName).httpRequestWithParams(method, server + url).body(body)
addChecks(addParams(test.headers(headers), params), stat, checks)
def step(
title: String,
secure: Boolean,
url: String,
method: String = "get",
body: StringBody = new StringBody(""),
stat: Int = 200,
headers: Map[String, String] = jsonHeader,
params: List[(String, Expression[String])] = Nil,
checks: Iterable[HttpCheck] = Nil
): Step = {
val p = if (secure) params; else ("api", ExpressionWrapper("key").expression) :: params
commonStep(title, secure, url, method, body, stat, headers, p, checks)
private val JSONP_CALLBACK: (String, Expression[String]) = ("jsonp", "gatling_callback")
def stepJsonP(
title: String,
secure: Boolean,
url: String,
method: String = "get",
body: StringBody = new StringBody(""),
stat: Int = 200,
headers: Map[String, String] = jsonHeader,
params: List[(String, Expression[String])] = Nil,
checks: Iterable[HttpCheck] = Nil
): Step = {
val pTemp = JSONP_CALLBACK :: params
val p = method match {
case "get" | "Get" | "GET" => pTemp
case _ => (method, body.string) :: pTemp
val c: List[HttpCheck] = jsonpJsonPath("$.status").ofType[Int].is(stat) :: checks.toList
commonStep(title, secure, url, "get", new StringBody(""), 200, headers, p, c)
def createTest(title: String, tests: Step*): PopulatedScenarioBuilder = createTest(title, tests.toList)
def createTest(title: String, tests: Iterable[Step]) = {
def chainIt(parent: ChainBuilder, http: Step) = {
val next = parent.exec(http)
http.commonAttributes.method match {
case "get" | "Get" | "GET" => next
case _ => next.pause("200", TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
val chain = (exec(tests.head) /: tests.tail)(chainIt)
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