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Build'n Ship


Build'n Ship
View GitHub Profile
I have tested with three users: a ux researcher, a developer, a software process consultant. Clarifications/suggestions include:
* have an add event page on the navbar
* take out add event button from all pages
* clarify each event in the events summary page by including a text, such as "hosted by"
* explain what type of activities a user can do on the landing page
* create more whitespace and round the corners of the boxes to give a more appealing look
This app is designed to simplify event planning amongst friends.
Without the clutter of comments, photos, etc, the app helps organizers to keep track of participants
and share the event details quickly.
The app currently has 5 screen:
info: where the site describes what the app accomplishes
index: landing page for users where a list of events are listed as well as an option to create a new event
new event: when the user want to share details of a new event through the app, ze includes description, venue, and selects
from a list of friends
extended view: shows the details of an event with description, venue, and attendants
The projects solves event planning among friends.
It is simply organized to keep it simple to see who among your friends will attend.
The app helps event planners to invite from a selection of friends; meantime allowing attendees to simply answer yes and no.
The app de-clutters social gathering planning by allowing the participants only to concentrate on the creation of the event
without comments, photos, and bills to share.
As a new user I want to sign up for an account High
As a new user I want to connect with my friends High
As a new user I want to join events of my friends High
secilreel / bookmarks
Created February 25, 2019 21:21
This an SQL script creating a bookmark table in PostgreSQL
-- First, remove the table if it exists
drop table if exists bookmarks;
-- Create the table anew
create table bookmarks (
id INTEGER primary key generated by default as identity,
title text,
url text,
description text,
The receptionists at Dunder Mifflin would like to create and manage their own database of visitors to the office. Create two roles, erin and erin_admin. Make the erin_admin role a superuser. Create a database named visitors with erin_admin as the owner.
psql postgres
postgres=# CREATE ROLE erin;
postgres=# CREATE ROLE erin_admin WITH SUPERUSER;
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE visitors;
postgres=# ALTER DATABASE visitors OWNER TO erin_admin;
postgres=# \q
Headline: seçil, a fullstack developer with an emphasis on UCD.
Bio:I'm a developer who thinks through not just what is supposed to happen with user stories but what else can happen.
I enjoy solving the challenges of the front-end development with HTML, CSS, JS, and jQuery.
I would love to get started on coding challenges that will eventually help women users.
When offline, you can find me writing my first book and performing in Collage Dance Ensemble.
function addItems ()
listen to the user input
takes the value typed
stores it in not DOM but an array, or object
and adds it into the shopping list item
function checkToggleItems()
listens to the check button (on the parent div)
checks whether the item has been checked or unchecked
changes the checked attribute to otherwise
secilreel / gist:08945ac1c89175cc10440dd249213a90
Created December 11, 2018 15:16
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