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Last active May 22, 2023 04:29
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Save seckcoder/9204855 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
implementation of exception, generator and coroutine based on continuation
#lang racket
; Implementations and examples are inspired by Matt Might's blog posts:
; Note I didn't just copy the code. I implemented it independently, so it looks a lot different from Matt's code.
(define (current-continuation)
(call/cc (lambda (k)
(k k))))
(define (exception)
; a demo implementation of exception using continuation
(define stack '())
(define (push! id cc)
(set! stack (cons (cons id cc) stack)))
(define pop!
(if (null? stack)
(error 'exception "cannot pop empty stack")
(set! stack (cdr stack)))]
[(list id)
[(null? stack)
(error 'exception "cannot handle exception:~a" id)]
[(eq? id (except-id (top)))
(let ([cc (except-cc (top))])
(set! stack (cdr stack))
(set! stack (cdr stack))
(pop! id)])]))
(define (top)
(car stack))
(define except-id car)
(define except-cc cdr)
(define-syntax try
(syntax-rules (catch)
[(_ exp* ... (catch id handle))
(let ([cc (current-continuation)])
[(continuation? cc)
(push! id cc)
exp* ...
[(pair? cc)
(handle (car cc) (cdr cc))]))]))
(define (throw id msg)
(let ([cc (pop! id)])
(cc (cons id msg))))
(throw 'RuntimeError "a runtime error")
(catch 'RuntimeError
(lambda (id msg)
(printf "~a\n" msg))))
(throw 'Except1 "except1")
(display "should not be printed")
(catch 'Except1
(lambda (id msg)
(printf "~a\n" msg)
(throw id msg)
(display "should not be printed")
(catch 'Except1
(lambda (id msg)
(printf "~a\n" msg))))
(define (generator)
; demo implementation of generator
(define (list-iter lst)
(lambda (yield)
(lambda (v)
(yield v))
(define (make-yield for-cc)
(lambda (v)
(let ([cc (current-continuation)])
[(continuation? cc)
; jump back to for loops
(for-cc (list cc v))]
; one loop end
; implementation of for iterator
(define-syntax mfor
(syntax-rules (in)
[(_ v in iter exp* ...)
(let ([cc (current-continuation)])
(match cc
[(? continuation?)
; make-yield pass the continuation to generator,
; so that it can jump back to for loops.
(iter (make-yield cc))]
[(list iter-cc val)
(let ([v val])
exp* ...)
(iter-cc (void))]))]))
; tree-iter : tree -> generator
(define (tree-iter tree)
(lambda (yield)
;; Walk the tree, yielding the leaves.
(define (walk tree)
(if (not (pair? tree))
(yield tree)
(walk (car tree))
(walk (cdr tree)))))
(walk tree)))
(mfor v in (list-iter '(1 2 3))
(printf "~a " v))
(printf "\n")
(mfor v in (tree-iter '(3 . ( ( 4 . 5 ) . 6 ) ))
(printf "~a " v))
(printf "\n")
(require data/queue)
(define (coroutines)
; demo implementation of coroutines
(define thd-queue (make-queue))
(define (spawn thunk)
(let ([cc (current-continuation)])
[(continuation? cc)
(enqueue! thd-queue cc)]
[(eq? cc 'start)
; if the current thread finished, we just
; transfer to next thread
(define (yield)
(let ([cc (current-continuation)])
[(continuation? cc)
; switch context
(enqueue! thd-queue cc)
[(eq? cc 'start)
; thread resumed
(define (start)
; if we have a thread, we start it,
(when (not (queue-empty? thd-queue))
(let ([thd (dequeue! thd-queue)])
(thd 'start))))
(spawn (lambda ()
(for ([i (range 1 5)])
(printf "thd1:~a "i)
(spawn (lambda ()
(for ([i (range 1 5)])
(printf "thd2:~a " i)
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