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Forked from adrianlzt/aes_cryptojs_pycrypto.js
Created April 19, 2021 12:02
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Interoperable CryptoJS (defaults) <-> PyCrypto
* CryptoJS by default:
* - uses CBC mode
* - pkcs7 for padding
* - evpKDF to extract key
* - part of the key is used as IV
* - before converting to base64 it makes "Salt__"+salt+encrypted_text
var CryptoJS = require('crypto-js');
var key = 'mysecretkey';
var plaintext = 'secret text';
var encrypted_b64 = CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(plaintext, key);
console.log("encrypted_text (base64) = "+encrypted_b64);
//output_plaintext = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(encrypted_b64, key);
var bytes = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt("U2FsdGVkX1+9Wl/biuWHpFKFWo1af8aF14CW/zJjw8c=", key);
var output_plaintext = bytes.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8);
console.log("decrypted text = "+output_plaintext);
# Encryption with AES-CBC
# Adapted to work with CryptoJS (crypto-js@3.1.9) with default configuration
# Python 2.7.13
# pkcs7==0.1.0
# pycrypto==2.6.1
import binascii
import struct
import hashlib
from pkcs7 import PKCS7Encoder
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto import Random
def evpKDF(passwd, salt, key_size=8, iv_size=4, iterations=1, hash_algorithm="md5"):
target_key_size = key_size + iv_size
derived_bytes = ""
number_of_derived_words = 0
block = None
hasher =
while number_of_derived_words < target_key_size:
if block is not None:
block = hasher.digest()
hasher =
for i in range(1, iterations):
block = hasher.digest()
hasher =
derived_bytes += block[0: min(len(block), (target_key_size - number_of_derived_words) * 4)]
number_of_derived_words += len(block)/4
return {
"key": derived_bytes[0: key_size * 4],
"iv": derived_bytes[key_size * 4:]
def encrypt(passphrase, plaintext):
print("passphrase = %s" % passphrase)
print("passphrase = %s" % binascii.b2a_hex(passphrase))
print("plaintext = %s" % plaintext)
print("plaintext = %s" % binascii.b2a_hex(plaintext))
salt =
print("salt = %s" % binascii.b2a_hex(salt))
resp = evpKDF(passphrase, salt, key_size=12)
key = resp.get("key")
iv = key[len(key)-16:]
key = key[:len(key)-16]
print("iv = %s" % binascii.b2a_hex(iv))
print("key = %s" % binascii.b2a_hex(key))
aes =, MODE, iv)
encoder = PKCS7Encoder()
pad_text = encoder.encode(plaintext)
print("pad text = %s" % pad_text)
print("pad text = %s" % binascii.b2a_hex(pad_text))
encrypted_text = aes.encrypt(pad_text)
print("encrypted text = %s" % binascii.b2a_hex(encrypted_text))
concat = "Salted__"+salt+encrypted_text
print("concat=%s" % binascii.b2a_hex(concat))
return binascii.b2a_base64(concat).rstrip()
def decrypt(passphrase, encrypted_text):
encrypted_text_bytes = binascii.a2b_base64(encrypted_text)
print("Original encrypted message = %s" % binascii.b2a_hex(encrypted_text_bytes))
# Remove "Salt__"
encrypted_text_bytes = encrypted_text_bytes[8:]
# Get and remove salt
salt = encrypted_text_bytes[:8]
print("salt = %s" % binascii.b2a_hex(salt))
encrypted_text_bytes = encrypted_text_bytes[8:]
print("encrypted_text_bytes = %s" % binascii.b2a_hex(encrypted_text_bytes))
resp = evpKDF(passphrase, salt, key_size=12)
key = resp.get("key")
iv = key[len(key)-16:]
key = key[:len(key)-16]
print("iv = %s" % binascii.b2a_hex(iv))
print("key = %s" % binascii.b2a_hex(key))
aes =, MODE, iv)
decrypted_text = aes.decrypt(encrypted_text_bytes)
encoder = PKCS7Encoder()
unpad_text = encoder.decode(decrypted_text)
print("unpad_text = %s" % binascii.b2a_hex(unpad_text))
return unpad_text
if __name__ == '__main__':
KEY = 'mysecretkey'
PLAINTEXT = 'secret text'
encrypted_text = encrypt(KEY, PLAINTEXT)
print("encrypted_text (base64)= %s" % encrypted_text)
decrypted_text = decrypt(KEY, encrypted_text)
print("decrypted text = %s" % decrypted_text)
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