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Created June 29, 2024 05:37
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Worry Dream download pdfs via Powershell
# get all the links from "" into a file - links.csv
Invoke-WebRequest –Uri | % { $_.Links.href } | out-file "links.csv" -encoding utf8 #clipp
# re-format them as complete urls (they are just relative currently)
get-content .\links.csv | % { "" + $_ } | out-file urls.csv -Encoding utf8
# download the pdfs (to the local folder, with name named after the file)
get-content .\urls.csv | % {
$url = $_;
$fileName = (($url -split "/") | select -last 1);
invoke-webrequest $url -Outfile $fileName;
wh "$fileName" -f magenta;
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