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Created October 26, 2019 08:46
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extends Camera
var transform_origin
var offset = Vector2()
var _duration = 0.0
var _period_in_ms = 0.0
var _amplitude = 0.0
var _timer = 0.0
var _last_shook_timer = 0
var _previous_x = 0.0
var _previous_y = 0.0
var _last_offset = Vector2(0, 0)
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready():
transform_origin = transform.origin
func _physics_process( delta ):
transform.origin = transform_origin + Vector3( offset.x, 0, offset.y )
shake_process( delta )
var is_shaking = false
# Kick off a new screenshake effect.
func shake(duration, frequency, amplitude):
if is_shaking: return
# Initialize variables.
_duration = duration
_timer = duration
_period_in_ms = 1.0 / frequency
_amplitude = amplitude
_previous_x = rand_range(-1.0, 1.0)
_previous_y = rand_range(-1.0, 1.0)
# Reset previous offset, if any.
offset -= _last_offset
#set_offset(get_offset() - _last_offset)
_last_offset = Vector2(0, 0)
func shake_process( delta ):
# Only shake when there's shake time remaining.
if _timer == 0: return
# Only shake on certain frames.
_last_shook_timer = _last_shook_timer + delta
# Be mathematically correct in the face of lag; usually only happens once.
while _last_shook_timer >= _period_in_ms:
_last_shook_timer = _last_shook_timer - _period_in_ms
# Lerp between [amplitude] and 0.0 intensity based on remaining shake time.
var intensity = _amplitude * (1 - ((_duration - _timer) / _duration))
# Noise calculation logic from
var new_x = rand_range(-1.0, 1.0)
var x_component = intensity * (_previous_x + (delta * (new_x - _previous_x)))
var new_y = rand_range(-1.0, 1.0)
var y_component = intensity * (_previous_y + (delta * (new_y - _previous_y)))
_previous_x = new_x
_previous_y = new_y
# Track how much we've moved the offset, as opposed to other effects.
var new_offset = Vector2(x_component, y_component)
offset -= _last_offset - new_offset
#set_offset(get_offset() - _last_offset + new_offset)
_last_offset = new_offset
# Reset the offset when we're done shaking.
_timer = _timer - delta
if _timer <= 0:
_timer = 0
offset -= _last_offset
#set_offset(get_offset() - _last_offset)
is_shaking = false
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