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Created September 5, 2020 14:13
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Red Team Village Defcon 2020 - Seeding Solution
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# random.choice produces different values on Python 2.7 vs Python 3
from pwn import *
import random
from itertools import permutations
server_ip = ''
def update_keyspace(key_space):
r = remote(server_ip, 3000)
data = r.recvuntil("The seed this run was:")
seed = r.recvline().strip()
#print("Seed: " + seed)
data = r.recvuntil("The fourth iteration of this key is:")
fourth_key = r.recvline().strip()
#print("Fourth Key: " + fourth_key)
key_set = set(fourth_key)
def get_seed_and_fourth_iter():
r = remote(server_ip, 3000)
data = r.recvuntil("The seed this run was:")
seed = int(r.recvline().strip())
data = r.recvuntil("The fourth iteration of this key is:")
fourth_key = r.recvline().strip()
return seed,fourth_key
def get_flag1(server_key):
flag1 = ""
flag2 = ""
r = remote(server_ip, 3000)
data = r.recvuntil("The seed this run was:")
seed = r.recvline().strip()
#print("Seed: " + seed)
data = r.recvuntil("The fourth iteration of this key is:")
fourth_key = r.recvline().strip()
#print("Fourth Key: " + fourth_key)
data = r.recvuntil("What is the key?: ")
# Send key
# Get the first flag
data = r.recvline().decode('utf-8')
flag_str = "Heres the flag "
idx = data.find(flag_str)
if idx != -1:
flag1 = data[idx + len(flag_str):].strip()
#flag1 = r.recvline().strip()
#Get the second flag
val = get_nth_iteration(int(seed), server_key, 1337, len(fourth_key))
# Send key
# Get the first flag
data = r.recvuntil("Heres the last")
flag2 = r.recvline().strip()
return flag1,flag2
def get_random_string(key, length):
result_str = ''.join(random.choice(key) for i in range(length))
return result_str
def gen_ascii_strs(max_len):
generator = permutations(string.ascii_letters, max_len)
for p in generator:
ascii_entry = ''.join(p)
return ascii_entry
def get_next_str(cur_pass, key_len):
rand_str = get_random_string(cur_pass, key_len)
#Get idx of chars in string to resolve key
fourth_str = rand_str
#print("Local Fourth: " + fourth_str)
idx_arr = []
for key_char in fourth_str:
idx = cur_pass.index(key_char)
return idx_arr,fourth_str
def get_key_arr(idx_arr, guess_pass_len, seed_key):
# print(idx_arr)
orig_key = ['_'] * guess_pass_len
j = 0
for idx in idx_arr:
orig_key[idx] = seed_key[j]
j += 1
return orig_key
def compare_keys(key1, key2):
if len(key1) != len(key2):
return False
for i in range(len(key1)):
if key1[i] != key2[i] and key1[i] != "_" and key2[i] != "_":
return False
return True
def get_key_space():
key_space = set()
for i in range(15):
key_space_len = len(key_space)
#print("Unique chars: %d" % key_space_len)
return key_space
def get_candidate_key(key_len, seed, random_str):
random_str_len = len(random_str)
cur_pass = gen_ascii_strs(key_len)
#print("Local Key: " + cur_pass)
#Get index arr for the seed
for j in range(4):
first_seed_idx_arr, fourth_str = get_next_str(cur_pass, random_str_len)
# Get key arr for first sample server 4th
ret_key = get_key_arr(first_seed_idx_arr, key_len, random_str)
return ret_key
def get_candidate_key_length(key_space_len_min):
#Get a sample seed and fourth iteration
first_seed,first_fourth_val = get_seed_and_fourth_iter()
#Get another sample seed and fourth iteration
second_seed,second_fourth_val = get_seed_and_fourth_iter()
#print("Sample1: Seed: " + str(first_seed))
#print("Sample1: Fourth Key: " + first_fouth_val)
#print("Sample2: Seed: " + str(second_seed))
#print("Sample2: Fourth Key: " + second_fouth_val)
random_str_len = len(second_fourth_val)
#print("Random String Len: %d" % random_str_len)
candidate_length = []
for k in range(key_space_len_min, key_space_len_min + 10):
guess_pass_len = k
#print("[+] Key Len Guess: %d" % guess_pass_len)
# Get two keys with different seeds but the same length and compare them
ret_key1 = get_candidate_key(guess_pass_len, first_seed, first_fourth_val)
ret_key2 = get_candidate_key(guess_pass_len, second_seed, second_fourth_val)
if compare_keys(ret_key1, ret_key2):
#Possible key length
return candidate_length
def get_key_length(key_space_len):
#Get a candidate length
length_set = None
while length_set == None or len(length_set) > 1:
candidate_key_len_list = get_candidate_key_length(key_space_len)
temp_set = set(candidate_key_len_list)
#print("[+] Set key: \t\t" + str(temp_set))
#If there's only one then return because we found it
if(length_set) != None:
length_set = length_set.intersection(temp_set)
length_set = temp_set
if len(length_set) == 1:
if len(length_set) == 0:
print("[-] Unable to determine key length")
#Key length
return list(length_set)[0]
def get_server_key(key_len):
final_key = ['_'] * key_len
while True:
cur_seed,fouth_iteration_str = get_seed_and_fourth_iter()
ret_key1 = get_candidate_key(key_len, cur_seed, fouth_iteration_str)
for i in range(key_len):
if ret_key1[i] != "_":
final_key[i] = chr(ret_key1[i])
temp_key = ''.join(final_key)
if "_" not in temp_key:
return ''.join(final_key)
def get_nth_iteration(seed, key, iter_num, random_str_len):
#Get index arr for the seed
for j in range(iter_num):
first_seed_idx_arr, fourth_str = get_next_str(key, random_str_len)
return fourth_str
# Get the current key space
key_space = get_key_space()
key_space_len = len(key_space)
print("[+] Key space size: %d" % key_space_len)
# Get key length
key_len = get_key_length(key_space_len)
print("[+] Key length: %d" % key_len)
# Get key
server_key = get_server_key(key_len)
print("[+] Server key: %s" % server_key)
# Get the first flag
flag1,flag2 = get_flag1(server_key)
print("[+] %s" % flag1)
print("[+] %s" % flag2.decode('utf-8'))
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