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Created July 2, 2017 17:18
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payment <- function(loan, apr, months) {
rate <- 1 + apr / 100 / 12
loan * rate^months * (rate - 1) / (rate^months - 1)
amortize <- function(loan, payment, apr, months) {
rate <- 1 + apr / 100 / 12
month <- 0:months
balance <- loan * rate^month - payment * (rate^month - 1) / (rate - 1)
complete <- match(TRUE, balance <= 0)
balance <- ifelse(month < month[complete], balance, 0)
principal <- loan - balance
interest <- payment * month - principal
interest <- ifelse(month < month[complete], interest,
amrt <- list(month = month[-1], balance=balance[-1],
principal = principal[-1], interest = interest[-1],
paid = principal[-1] + interest[-1], loan=loan,
payment=payment, apr=apr)
class(amrt) <- "amortization"
summary.amortization <- function(amrt) {
cat(" loan amount: ", amrt$loan, "\n")
cat(" APR: ", amrt$apr, "\n")
cat(" payment: ", amrt$payment, "\n")
cat(" months: ", match(TRUE, amrt$balance <= 0), "\n")
cat("interest paid: ", max(amrt$interest), "\n")
cat(" total paid: ", max(amrt$paid), "\n")
plot.amortization <- function(amrt) {
year <- amrt$month / 12
plot(year, amrt$balance, type="l", ylab="Dollars ($)",
main=paste("Amortization ($", format(amrt$loan, big.mark=","),
", ", amrt$apr, "%, $", format(amrt$payment, big.mark=",",
nsmall=2, digits=2), "/mo)", sep=""), ylim=c(0,max(amrt$paid)),
lines(year, amrt$interest, col="red", lty=2)
lines(year, amrt$principal, col="green", lty=2)
lines(year, amrt$paid, col="blue", lty=2)
legend(x=1, y=max(amrt$paid),
legend=c("balance", "interest", "principal", "paid"),
col=c("black","red","green","blue"), lty=c(1,2,2,2))
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