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Last active May 28, 2019 16:49
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Virtual Endpoint HTTP Request (Timezone API)
// Makes API call to worldtimezone/api/timezone, and gets the time of the
// first 3 timezones and pretty formats it
function myVirtualHandler (request, session, config) {
//Make api call to upstream target
newRequest = {
"Method": "GET",
"Domain": "",
"resource": "/api/timezone"
timezonesResponse = TykMakeHttpRequest(JSON.stringify(newRequest));
usableResponse = JSON.parse(timezonesResponse);
var timezones = JSON.parse(usableResponse.Body);
var requests = {requests: timezones.slice(0, 3).map(function(tzString) {
return {
"method": "GET",
"headers": {},
"body": "",
"relative_url": "" + tzString
}), suppress_parallel_execution: false};
var newBody = TykBatchRequest(JSON.stringify(requests))
// We know that the requests return JSON in their body, lets flatten it
var asJS = JSON.parse(newBody)
var bodyResponse = "";
for (var i in asJS) {
var bodyPiece = JSON.parse(asJS[i].body)
bodyResponse += bodyPiece.abbreviation + " - " + bodyPiece.utc_datetime + "\n"
// Set up a response object
var response = {
Body: bodyResponse,
Code: 200
return TykJsResponse(response, session.meta_data)
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