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Last active May 16, 2024 12:01
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iCal PHP Parser
class iCal
* @var string
public $title;
* @var string
public $description;
* @var array
public $events = array();
* @var array
protected $_eventsByDate;
public function __construct($content = null)
if ($content) {
$isUrl = strpos($content, 'http') === 0 && filter_var($content, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL);
$isFile = strpos($content, "\n") === false && file_exists($content);
if ($isUrl || $isFile) {
$content = file_get_contents($content);
public function title()
return $this->summary;
public function description()
return $this->description;
public function events()
return $this->events;
public function eventsByDate()
if (! $this->_eventsByDate) {
$this->_eventsByDate = array();
foreach ($this->events() as $event) {
foreach ($event->occurrences() as $occurrence) {
$date = $occurrence->format('Y-m-d');
$this->_eventsByDate[$date][] = $event;
return $this->_eventsByDate;
public function eventsByDateBetween($start, $end)
if ((string) (int) $start !== (string) $start) {
$start = strtotime($start);
$start = date('Y-m-d', $start);
if ((string) (int) $end !== (string) $end) {
$end = strtotime($end);
$end = date('Y-m-d', $end);
$return = array();
foreach ($this->eventsByDate() as $date => $events) {
if ($start <= $date && $date < $end) {
$return[$date] = $events;
return $return;
public function eventsByDateSince($start)
if ((string) (int) $start !== (string) $start) {
$start = strtotime($start);
$start = date('Y-m-d', $start);
$return = array();
foreach ($this->eventsByDate() as $date => $events) {
if ($start <= $date) {
$return[$date] = $events;
return $return;
public function parse($content)
$content = str_replace("\r\n ", '', $content);
// Title
preg_match('`^X-WR-CALNAME:(.*)$`m', $content, $m);
$this->title = $m ? trim($m[1]) : null;
// Description
preg_match('`^X-WR-CALDESC:(.*)$`m', $content, $m);
$this->description = $m ? trim($m[1]) : null;
// Events
preg_match_all('`BEGIN:VEVENT(.+)END:VEVENT`Us', $content, $m);
foreach ($m[0] as $c) {
$this->events[] = new iCal_Event($c);
return $this;
class iCal_Event
* @var string
public $uid;
* @var string
public $summary;
* @var string
public $description;
* @var string
public $dateStart;
* @var string
public $dateEnd;
* @var array
public $exdate = array();
* @var stdClass
public $recurrence;
* @var string
public $location;
* @var string
public $status;
* @var string
public $created;
* @var string
public $updated;
* @var integer
protected $_timeStart;
* @var integer
protected $_timeEnd;
* @var array
protected $_occurrences;
public function __construct($content = null)
if ($content) {
public function summary()
return $this->summary;
public function title()
return $this->summary;
public function description()
return $this->description;
public function occurrences()
if (empty($this->_occurrences)) {
$this->_occurrences = $this->_calculateOccurrences();
return $this->_occurrences;
public function duration()
if ($this->_timeEnd) {
return $this->_timeEnd - $this->_timeStart;
public function parse($content)
$content = str_replace("\r\n ", '', $content);
// UID
if (preg_match('`^UID:(.*)$`m', $content, $m))
$this->uid = trim($m[1]);
// Summary
if (preg_match('`^SUMMARY:(.*)$`m', $content, $m))
$this->summary = trim($m[1]);
// Description
if (preg_match('`^DESCRIPTION:(.*)$`m', $content, $m))
$this->description = trim($m[1]);
// Date start
if (preg_match('`^DTSTART(?:;.+)?:([0-9]+(T[0-9]+Z?)?)`m', $content, $m)) {
$this->_timeStart = strtotime($m[1]);
$this->dateStart = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $this->_timeStart);
// Date end
if (preg_match('`^DTEND(?:;.+)?:([0-9]+(T[0-9]+Z?)?)`m', $content, $m)) {
$this->_timeEnd = strtotime($m[1]);
$this->dateEnd = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $this->_timeEnd);
// Exdate
if (preg_match_all('`^EXDATE(;.+)?:([0-9]+(T[0-9]+Z?)?)`m', $content, $m)) {
foreach ($m[2] as $dates) {
$dates = explode(',', $dates);
foreach ($dates as $d) {
$this->exdate[] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($d));
// Recurrence
if (preg_match('`^RRULE:(.*)`m', $content, $m)) {
$rules = (object) array();
$rule = trim($m[1]);
$rule = explode(';', $rule);
foreach ($rule as $r) {
list($key, $value) = explode('=', $r);
$rules->{ strtolower($key) } = $value;
if (isset($rules->until)) {
$rules->until = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($rules->until));
if (isset($rules->count)) {
$rules->count = intval($rules->count);
if (isset($rules->interval)) {
$rules->interval = intval($rules->interval);
if (isset($rules->byday)) {
$rules->byday = explode(',', $rules->byday);
// Avoid infinite recurrences
if (! isset($rules->until) && ! isset($rules->count)) {
$rules->count = 500;
$this->recurrence = $rules;
// Location
if (preg_match('`^LOCATION:(.*)$`m', $content, $m))
$this->location = trim($m[1]);
// Status
if (preg_match('`^STATUS:(.*)$`m', $content, $m))
$this->status = trim($m[1]);
// Created
if (preg_match('`^CREATED:(.*)`m', $content, $m))
$this->created = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime(trim($m[1])));
// Updated
if (preg_match('`^LAST-MODIFIED:(.*)`m', $content, $m))
$this->updated = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime(trim($m[1])));
return $this;
public function isRecurrent()
return ! empty($this->recurrence);
protected function _isExdate($date)
if ((string) (int) $date != $date) {
$date = strtotime($date);
$date = date('Y-m-d', $date);
return in_array($date, $this->exdate);
protected function _calculateOccurrences()
$occurrences = array($this->_timeStart);
if ($this->isRecurrent())
$freq = $this->recurrence->freq;
$count = isset($this->recurrence->count) ? $this->recurrence->count : null;
$until = isset($this->recurrence->until) ? strtotime($this->recurrence->until) : null;
$callbacks = array(
'YEARLY' => '_nextYearlyOccurrence',
'MONTHLY' => '_nextMonthlyOccurrence',
'WEEKLY' => '_nextWeeklyOccurrence',
$callback = $callbacks[$freq];
$offset = $this->_timeStart;
$continue = $until ? ($offset < $until) : ($count > 1);
while ($continue) {
$occurrence = $this->{$callback}($offset);
if (! $this->_isExdate($occurrence)) {
$occurrences[] = $occurrence;
$offset = $occurrence;
$continue = $until ? ($offset < $until) : ($count > 1);
if ($this->_isExdate($occurrences[0])) {
$occurrences = array_values($occurrences);
// Convertion to object
$event = $this;
$occurrences = array_map(
function($o) use ($event) { return new iCal_Occurrence($event, $o); },
return $occurrences;
protected function _nextYearlyOccurrence($offset)
$interval = isset($this->recurrence->interval)
? $this->recurrence->interval
: 1;
return strtotime("+{$interval} year", $offset);
protected function _nextMonthlyOccurrence($offset)
$interval = isset($this->recurrence->interval)
? $this->recurrence->interval
: 1;
$bymonthday = isset($this->recurrence->bymonthdays)
? explode(',', $this->recurrence->bymonthday)
: array(date('d', $offset));
$start = strtotime(date('Y-m-01 H:i:s', $offset));
$dates = array();
foreach ($bymonthday as $day) {
// this month
$dates[] = strtotime(($day-1) . ' day', $start);
// next 'interval' month
$tmp = strtotime("+{$interval} month", $start);
$time = strtotime(($day-1) . ' day', $tmp);
if ((string) (int) date('d', $time) == (int) $day) {
$dates[] = $time;
// 2x 'interval' month
$interval *= 2;
$tmp = strtotime("+{$interval} month", $start);
$time = strtotime(($day-1) . ' day', $tmp);
if ((string) (int) date('d', $time) === (int) $day) {
$dates[] = $time;
foreach ($dates as $date) {
if ($date > $offset) {
return $date;
protected function _nextWeeklyOccurrence($offset)
$interval = isset($this->recurrence->interval)
? $this->recurrence->interval
: 1;
$byday = isset($this->recurrence->byday)
? $this->recurrence->byday
: array( substr(strtoupper(date('D', $offset)), 0, 2) );
$start = date('l', $offset) !== 'Monday'
? strtotime('last monday', $offset)
: $offset;
$daysname = array(
'MO' => 'monday',
'TU' => 'tuesday',
'WE' => 'wednesday',
'TH' => 'thursday',
'FR' => 'friday',
'SA' => 'saturday',
'SU' => 'sunday',
$dates = array();
foreach ($byday as $day) {
$dayname = $daysname[$day];
// this week
$dates[] = strtotime($dayname, $start);
// next 'interval' week
$tmp = strtotime("+{$interval} week", $start);
$time = strtotime($dayname, $tmp);
$dates[] = $time;
foreach ($dates as $date) {
if ($date > $offset) {
return $date;
class iCal_Occurrence
* @var iCal_Event
protected $_event;
* @var integer
protected $_timestamp;
public function __construct(iCal_Event $event, $timestamp)
$this->_event = $event;
$this->_timestamp = $timestamp;
public function __toString()
return (string) $this->_timestamp;
public function format($format = 'U')
return date($format, $this->_timestamp);
public function duration($format = 'U')
return date($format, $this->_event->duration());
include 'iCal.php';
$file = '';
$iCal = new iCal($file);
$events = $iCal->eventsByDate();
// or :
// $events = $iCal->eventsByDateBetween('2014-01-01', '2015-01-01');
// or :
// $events = $iCal->eventsByDateSince('2014-01-01');
// or :
// $events = $iCal->eventsByDateSince('today');
foreach ($events as $date => $events)
echo $date . "\n";
echo '----------' . "\n";
foreach ($events as $event)
echo '* ' . $event->title() . "\n";
echo "\n";
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I noticed that too, take a look at my fork, it's fixed there as well as some other things. But works a bit different.

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Not parsing time correctly.

So this has been fixed with revision 6, right? So it is fixed now?

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When an event start a day and finish another day (Monday to Friday, for example), it's shown only on the first day and not in the others

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