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Created July 12, 2012 16:51
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Sending an entity from SSQC to CSQC
< cce> is there any documentation on how to send an entity from the server to the csqc?
< cce> i can send it but couldn't figure out how to recieve it on the client side
<@LordHavoc> I'm not sure if there is actual documentation :P
<@LordHavoc> there is a lot of sample code
<@LordHavoc> SendEntity basically begins with a WriteByte to MSG_ENTITY containing an entity type
<@LordHavoc> the types are your own constants
<@LordHavoc> CSQC_Ent_Update is called on the csqc and the first thing it must do is ReadByte() to get that entity type, then
a switch or if else to figure out which one it is
<@LordHavoc> once it has figured out what entity type it is, it must issue Read calls similar to the Write calls that the
SendEntity function wrote
<@LordHavoc> and it can store these into properties on self
< cce> ok i think i got it
<@LordHavoc> it may be starting with an entity that is already clear or it may be updating an existing one
<@LordHavoc> so it's worth checking if you've already initialized this entity
<@LordHavoc> and also checking if the type changed
<@LordHavoc> because it is possible (rare, and this is technically an error but we haven't found a fix for it yet) for the
type to change on an entity
<@LordHavoc> where the server reuses an entity slot before the client gets a remove message
< cce> the entities are "invisible" on the client side by default, right?
<@LordHavoc> yeah
< cce> and you need to call spawn() by hand
<@LordHavoc> no
<@LordHavoc> CSQC_Ent_Update is called after CSQC_Ent_Spawn
<@LordHavoc> you can put special logic in CSQC_Ent_Spawn if you want to do special logic before calling spawn()
<@LordHavoc> but in general you just get the CSQC_Ent_Update and it is either an existing entity (previously updated) or fresh
result from spawn() called by the engine
<@LordHavoc> cce: also note that CSQC_Ent_Update takes a float parameter which I call isnew
<@LordHavoc> cce: it indicates that self is a fresh entity from spawn()
<@LordHavoc> cce: this doesn't mean the type matches, but does mean it's a blank entity
<@LordHavoc> so if is a blank entity, you can be sure the entity is new and needs to be
<@LordHavoc> if it is not a blank entity, you want to check if the first byte you read (the
type) differs from a field on the entity that you stored the last time you
parsed it
<@LordHavoc> and set isnew if the type differs
< cce> should i just use a field with a flag to mark an entity already initialized?
<@LordHavoc> so that you run your init code
<@LordHavoc> well I'm saying the flag exists as isnew
<@LordHavoc> it's just kind of a convention that you'll want to do:
<@LordHavoc> etype = ReadByte();
<@LordHavoc> if (etype != self.enttype) isnew = TRUE;
<@LordHavoc> self.enttype = etype;
<@LordHavoc> if (etype == ENT_PLAYER)
<@LordHavoc> {
<@LordHavoc> parse stuff
<@LordHavoc> }
<@LordHavoc> else if (etype == ENT_ROCKET)
<@LordHavoc> {
<@LordHavoc> parse stuff
<@LordHavoc> }
<@LordHavoc> and so on
<@LordHavoc> isnew only serves as a hint that spawn was called right before this, of course
if you check etype then you already get that flagged as I doubt you use an ENT_
value that is 0 :)
<@LordHavoc> so how you choose to track that is entirely up to you
<@LordHavoc> by convention you will often have entities with multiple properties you want to
conditionally network
<@LordHavoc> for this reason, SendEntity takes a flags value
<@LordHavoc> when you do self.SendFlags = self.SendFlags | PLAYER_MOVED | PLAYER_INVENTORY;
<@LordHavoc> the engine locks that away at the end of the frame into a per-client networking
<@LordHavoc> and your SendEntity function will be called with PLAYER_MOVED | PLAYER_INVENTORY
for each client who can see this player entity
<@LordHavoc> it may be called much much later (for instance if someone can not see you at the
time, but then they come into the room later, or encounter you somewhere else
<@LordHavoc> so SendFlags only is a "something interesting changed on this entity, let people
know!" thing
<@LordHavoc> in SendEntity you can WriteByte that flags and then check for flags in it to
decide which writes to do
<@LordHavoc> so you can have some writes conditional on PLAYER_MOVED
<@LordHavoc> and some on PLAYER_INVENTORY
<@LordHavoc> the CSQC_Ent_Update code will need to read that flags byte and do the same
conditional logic on the read calls
<@LordHavoc> so that it does not misparse
<@LordHavoc> if a new player connects to the game, their database starts out with 16777215 as
flags on all entities
<@LordHavoc> so be aware that SendEntity can be called that way with a huge flags value
<@LordHavoc> so you may want to mask it before writing
<@LordHavoc> to just what makes sense
<@LordHavoc> so that it does not misparse
<@LordHavoc> if a new player connects to the game, their database starts out with 16777215 as
flags on all entities
<@LordHavoc> so be aware that SendEntity can be called that way with a huge flags value
<@LordHavoc> so you may want to mask it before writing
<@LordHavoc> to just what makes sense
<@LordHavoc> or you can check for that value and know that this entity has never been sent
<@LordHavoc> good luck with it :)
<@LordHavoc> I need to go to work
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