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Last active September 23, 2018 10:47
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<pubDate>Sun, 23 September 2018 02:00:00 EST</pubDate>
<title>This American Life</title>
<description>This American Life is a weekly public radio show, heard by 2.2 million people on more than 500 stations. Another 2.5 million people download the weekly podcast. It is hosted by Ira Glass, produced in collaboration with Chicago Public Media, delivered to stations by PRX The Public Radio Exchange, and has won all of the major broadcasting awards.</description>
<itunes:summary>This American Life is a weekly public radio show, heard by 2.2 million people on more than 500 stations. Another 2.5 million people download the weekly podcast. It is hosted by Ira Glass, produced in collaboration with Chicago Public Media, delivered to stations by PRX The Public Radio Exchange, and has won all of the major broadcasting awards.</itunes:summary>
<itunes:subtitle>This American Life is a weekly public radio show, heard by 2.2 million people on more than 500 stations.</itunes:subtitle>
<lastBuildDate>Sun, 23 September 2018 02:01:00 EST</lastBuildDate>
<title>The Magic Show</title>
<description>Just a few years before he got the internship at NPR that started him in radio, our host Ira Glass had another career. He performed magic at children's birthday parties. A powerful sense of embarrassment has prevented him from ever doing an episode on the subject, but when he learned that producer David Kestenbaum was also a kid conjurer, they decided to dive in together.</description>
<itunes:summary>Just a few years before he got the internship at NPR that started him in radio, our host Ira Glass had another career. He performed magic at children's birthday parties. A powerful sense of embarrassment has prevented him from ever doing an episode on the subject, but when he learned that producer David Kestenbaum was also a kid conjurer, they decided to dive in together.</itunes:summary>
<itunes:subtitle>Former kid magicians Ira Glass and David Kestenbaum dive back into the world of magic.</itunes:subtitle>
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<pubDate>Sun, 23 September 2018 02:01:00 EST</pubDate>
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